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Created November 24, 2023 23:46
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Gift Exchange gift-chain generator
This code is for generating a single, circular "loop" of names of family
members for gift giving as part of a Secret Santa tradition.
The input is a file named "family.json". The JSON file should be of a single
mapping where the keys are the family members, and the values would be a
that contains the key "group".
The purpose of the "group" is to define households of people so that this code
can prevent people within the same household getting one another as recipients.
Example "family.json" file:
``` json
"Abrigale": {"group": 1},
"Brian": {"group": 1},
"Carrie": {"group": 1},
"Derrick": {"group": 2},
"Emily": {"group": 2},
"Frank": {"group": 3},
"Hariette": {"group": 4},
"Issac": {"group": 4},
"Jessica": {"group": 4},
"Ken": {"group": 4}
In this example JSON, there are 4 households. Frank lives alone.
One possible putput would be:
Hariette => Brian => Emily => Jessica => Frank => Issac => Derrick => Carrie
=> Ken => Abrigale => Hariette.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import random
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Optional, Union
Graph = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def count_components(nodes_dict: Graph,
target: str = "target") -> int:
Counts the number of components in the given graph.
Counts the number of components (cycles) in a directed graph represented as
a dictionary of nodes, where each node has a `target` property pointing to
another node.
nodes_dict : Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
The dictionary representing the graph. Each key is a node name with a
dictionary of properties, including `target` which points to the key of
another node.
target : str, default "target"
The key of a node's properties where it stores the node it directs to.
The number of components in the graph.
visited = set() # Keeps track of visited nodes
components = 0
# Helper function for depth-first search to find cycles
def dfs(node: str):
nonlocal components
stack = []
while node not in visited:
node = nodes_dict[node].get(target, "target")
# If the last node's target is not in stack, it's a chain pointing to
# a cycle.
if node in stack:
# Found a new component (cycle)
components += 1
# Iterate over all nodes and perform DFS from unvisited nodes
for node in nodes_dict.keys():
if node not in visited:
return components
def create_random_graph(nodes: Graph, target: str = "target",
group_by: Optional[str] = None) -> Graph:
Create a single component of nodes, each conneced to the next once.
Creates a randomly generated graph that connects each node in a directed
manner to another node such that there is a single circle within the graph.
If `group_by` is provided also ensures that each node targets someone with
a different value for the provided key in the `group_by` parameter.
nodes : Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
A dictionary of named nodes to be connected in a graph and
their properties.
target : str, default "target"
The key of a node's properties where it stores the node it directs to.
group_by : str, default None
An optional str to group nodes by. By providing this this function will
PREVENT a node being directed into another node of the same group.
Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
A copy of the input dictionary as the input, except the key "target" is
added to value dictionary of each key.
# Make a copy of the given nodes to play nicely.
nodes = deepcopy(nodes)
attempts = 1
while attempts < 1000:
node_list = [(key, value) for key, value in nodes.items()]
already_recipient = []
for giver, _ in node_list:
recipient_nodes = [
r for r, _ in node_list
if (
r not in already_recipient
and giver != r
and (
not group_by
or nodes[giver][group_by] != nodes[r][group_by]
if recipient_nodes:
recipient = random.choice(recipient_nodes)
nodes[giver][target] = recipient
if count_components(nodes) == 1:
attempts += 1
raise Exception("Could not find a suitable graph in 1000 attempts.")"Graph computed in {attempts} attempts.")
return nodes
def gen_component_nodes(graph: Graph, target: str = "target"
) -> Generator[None, None, str]:
Yields the nodes of a component of circularly directed nodes.
graph : Dictionary of nodes (keys) and their propertied (values)
One of the properties should be "target" which references the name
of the next node in the directed graph.
target : str, default "target"
The key of the node's properties which points to the next node in the
directed graph.
A generator of nodes, including the first as the target of the last.
graph = deepcopy(graph)
left = random.choice(list(graph.keys()))
props = graph.pop(left)
last_right = left
yield left
while graph:
right = props[target]
yield right
left = right
props = graph.pop(right)
yield last_right
def process(json_file_path: Union[Path, str] = "family.json"):
Given a path to a JSON file, print a single chain of gift-givers.
json_file_path : Path or str, default "family.json"
file_path = Path(json_file_path)
if file_path.exists():
with open(file_path) as json_file:
people = json.load(json_file)
graph = create_random_graph(people, target="target", group_by="group")
print(" => ".join(gen_component_nodes(graph)))
logger.error(f"{json_file_path} does not seem to exist.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser("Generate a single chain of give-exchange pairs")
'-f', '--json-file', default='family.json', dest="json_file_path",
help='The path to the input JSON file (default is "family.json").'
options = parser.parse_args()
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