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Created September 26, 2014 15:15
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Save mkoryak/f7744ade555eb3e1e452 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bootstrap window.confirm() replacement, requires bootstrap3, jquery and underscore
# Open a confirmation dialog with 2 buttons (ok, cancel) and a question, and an optional title
# use: $modal = X.dialog({body: "Are you sure?", primary: "OK", secondary: "Cancel", title: null}, function(primaryClicked){
# var $button = this; // 'this' is the jquery obj of the button that was clicked
# }); //the function returns the modal that was just shown so that you can modify it
# arguments (square brackets around type means that it is optional):
# opts = [object]
# body = [string] (default: 'Are you sure?' ) - the body text of the dialog
# primary = [string] (default: 'OK' ) - the primary action button text
# secondary = [string] (default: 'Cancel' ) - the dismiss action button text
# title = [string] (default: 'HourlyNerd' ) - title of the dialog
# clazz = [string] (default: '') - modal dialog class, use 'modal-lg' or 'modal-sm'
# closeIsPrimary = [string] (default: false) - what should the value of the param passed to the callback be when the dialog is closed? by default, false is passed
# cb = [function] - called when user takes an action
# has one boolean param, indicating if the primary action button was clicked or not
# context: this = $(button clicked)
# return boolean - return true from this function if you need to keep the dialog open
# returns
# $modal - jquery object containing the modal dialog just opened
# events
# all buttons in the dialog have a namespaced click event bound, to unbind call $'')
X.dialog = ( ->
tpl = _.template("""
<div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog <%= clazz %>">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button " class="close action-close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
<h4 class="modal-title"><%= title %></h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p><%= body %></p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default action-secondary"><%= secondary %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary action-primary"><%= primary %></button>
return (opts, cb) ->
if arguments.length == 1
cb = opts
opts = {}
opts = _.extend(
body: "Are you sure?"
primary: "OK"
secondary: "Cancel"
title: 'HourlyNerd'
clazz: ''
closeIsPrimary: false
, opts)
cb = cb or ->
$modal = $(tpl(opts))
ignoreHide = false
event = _.debounce(($btn, primaryAction) ->
keepOpen = cb.apply($btn, [primaryAction])
if not keepOpen
ignoreHide = true
ignoreHide = false
, 100)
$modal.on('click.dialog', 'button', (e) ->
$btn = $(this)
primaryAction = null
if $btn.hasClass('action-primary')
primaryAction = true
else if $btn.hasClass('action-secondary')
primaryAction = false
else if $btn.hasClass('action-close')
primaryAction = opts.closeIsPrimary
return event(e, primaryAction)
$modal.on('', (e) ->
if not ignoreHide
event(null, opts.closeIsPrimary)
return $modal
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