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Created September 12, 2016 00:56
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import os
# -----------------
# User Instructions
# In this problem, you will define a function, boggle_words(),
# that takes a board as input and returns a set of words that
# can be made from the board according to the rules of Boggle.
def get_words(board, idx, N, pre_indices = ('', set()), min_length = 3, results = set()):
pre, seen_indices = pre_indices
if pre in WORDS and len(pre) >= min_length:
if pre in PREFIXES:
#print pre, neighbors(idx, N)
for neighbor_idx in neighbors(idx, N):
if neighbor_idx not in seen_indices:
tmp_indices = seen_indices.copy()
pre_indices = (pre+board[neighbor_idx], tmp_indices),
min_length = min_length,
results = results)
return results
def boggle_words(board, minlength=3):
"Find all the words on this Boggle board; return as a set of words."
# your code here
N = size(board)
BOGGLE_PLAYS = set([])
for i, c in enumerate(board):
get_words(board, i, N, pre_indices=(board[i], set([i])), results = BOGGLE_PLAYS)
def Board(text):
"""Input is a string of space-separated rows of N letters each;
result is a string of size (N+2)**2 with borders all around."""
rows = text.split()
N = len(rows)
rows = [BORDER*N] + rows + [BORDER*N]
return ''.join(BORDER + row + BORDER for row in rows)
def size(board):
return int(len(board)**0.5)
def neighbors(i, N):
return (i-N-1, i-N, i-N+1, i-1, i+1, i+N-1, i+N, i+N+1)
BORDER = '|'
def display(board):
"Return a string representation of board, suitable for printing."
N = size(board)
return '\n'.join(board[i:i+N] for i in range(0, N**2, N))
# ------------
# Helpful functions
# You may find the following functions useful. These functions
# are identical to those we defined in lecture.
def prefixes(word):
"A list of the initial sequences of a word, not including the complete word."
return [word[:i] for i in range(len(word))]
def readwordlist(filename):
"Return a pair of sets: all the words in a file, and all the prefixes. (Uppercased.)"
wordset = set(open(filename).read().upper().split())
prefixset = set(p for word in wordset for p in prefixes(word))
return wordset, prefixset
WORDS, PREFIXES = readwordlist('words4k.txt')
def test():
assert b == '|||||||XXXX||TEST||XXXX||XXXX|||||||'
assert display(b) == """
assert boggle_words(b) == set(['SET', 'SEX', 'TEST'])
assert neighbors(20, 6) == (13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27)
assert len(boggle_words(Board('TPLER ORAIS METND DASEU NOWRB'))) == 317
assert boggle_words(Board('PLAY THIS WORD GAME')) == set([
'LID', 'SIR', 'OAR', 'LIS', 'RAG', 'SAL', 'RAM', 'RAW', 'SAY', 'RID',
'RIA', 'THO', 'HAY', 'MAR', 'HAS', 'AYS', 'PHI', 'OIL', 'MAW', 'THIS',
'LAY', 'RHO', 'PHT', 'PLAYS', 'ASIDE', 'ROM', 'RIDE', 'ROT', 'ROW', 'MAG',
'THIRD', 'WOT', 'MORE', 'WOG', 'WORE', 'SAID', 'MOR', 'SAIL', 'MOW', 'MOT',
'LAID', 'MOA', 'LAS', 'MOG', 'AGO', 'IDS', 'HAIR', 'GAME', 'REM', 'HOME',
'RED', 'WORD', 'WHA', 'WHO', 'WHOM', 'YID', 'DRAW', 'WAG', 'SRI', 'TOW',
'DRAG', 'YAH', 'WAR', 'MED', 'HIRE', 'TOWARDS', 'ORS', 'ALT', 'ORE', 'SIDE',
'ALP', 'ORA', 'TWA', 'ERS', 'TOR', 'TWO', 'AIS', 'AIR', 'AIL', 'ERA', 'TOM',
'AID', 'TOG', 'DIS', 'HIS', 'GAR', 'GAM', 'HID', 'HOG', 'PLAY', 'GOA', 'HOW',
'HOT', 'WARM', 'GOT', 'IRE', 'GOR', 'ARS', 'ARM', 'ARE', 'TOWARD', 'THROW'])
return 'tests pass'
print test()
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