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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Generic Shortest Path with Subway Example
# User Instructions
# Write a function, subway, that takes lines as input (read more about
# the **lines notation in the instructor comments box below) and returns
# a dictionary of the form {station:{neighbor:line, ...}, ... }
# For example, when calling subway(boston), one of the entries in the
# resulting dictionary should be 'foresthills': {'backbay': 'orange'}.
# This means that foresthills only has one neighbor ('backbay') and
# that neighbor is on the orange line. Other stations have more neighbors:
# 'state', for example, has 4 neighbors.
# Once you've defined your subway function, you can define a ride and
# longest_ride function. ride(here, there, system) takes as input
# a starting station (here), a destination station (there), and a subway
# system and returns the shortest path.
# longest_ride(system) returns the longest possible ride in a given
# subway system.
# -------------
# Grading Notes
# The subway() function will not be tested directly, only ride() and
# longest_ride() will be explicitly tested. If your code passes the
# assert statements in test_ride(), it should be marked correct.
def subway(**lines):
"""Define a subway map. Input is subway(linename='station1 station2...'...).
Convert that and return a dict of the form: {station:{neighbor:line,...},...}"""
station_map = {}
for line, station_str in lines.items():
stations = station_str.split(' ')
for i in range(len(stations) - 1):
stat_a, stat_b = stations[i], stations[i + 1]
station_map.setdefault(stat_a, {})
station_map.setdefault(stat_b, {})
station_map[stat_a][stat_b] = line
station_map[stat_b][stat_a] = line
return station_map
boston = subway(
blue='bowdoin government state aquarium maverick airport suffolk revere wonderland',
orange='oakgrove sullivan haymarket state downtown chinatown tufts backbay foresthills',
green='lechmere science north haymarket government park copley kenmore newton riverside',
red='alewife davis porter harvard central mit charles park downtown south umass mattapan')
def ride(here, there, system=boston):
"Return a path on the subway system from here to there."
_succ = lambda state : system[state]
_is_goal = lambda state : state == there
return shortest_path_search(start = here,
successors = _succ,
is_goal = _is_goal)
def longest_ride(system):
""""Return the longest possible 'shortest path'
ride between any two stops in the system."""
longest_ride = (0, [])
stations = system.keys()
for i in range(len(stations)):
for j in range(i, len(stations)):
path = ride(stations[i], stations[j], system)
tmp_ride = (len(path), path)
if tmp_ride > longest_ride:
longest_ride = tmp_ride
return longest_ride[1]
def shortest_path_search(start, successors, is_goal):
"""Find the shortest path from start state to a state
such that is_goal(state) is true."""
if is_goal(start):
return [start]
explored = set() # set of states we have visited
frontier = [ [start] ] # ordered list of paths we have blazed
while frontier:
path = frontier.pop(0)
s = path[-1]
for (state, action) in successors(s).items():
if state not in explored:
path2 = path + [action, state]
if is_goal(state):
return path2
return []
def path_states(path):
"Return a list of states in this path."
return path[0::2]
def path_actions(path):
"Return a list of actions in this path."
return path[1::2]
def test_ride():
assert ride('mit', 'government') == [
'mit', 'red', 'charles', 'red', 'park', 'green', 'government']
assert ride('mattapan', 'foresthills') == [
'mattapan', 'red', 'umass', 'red', 'south', 'red', 'downtown',
'orange', 'chinatown', 'orange', 'tufts', 'orange', 'backbay', 'orange', 'foresthills']
assert ride('newton', 'alewife') == [
'newton', 'green', 'kenmore', 'green', 'copley', 'green', 'park', 'red', 'charles', 'red',
'mit', 'red', 'central', 'red', 'harvard', 'red', 'porter', 'red', 'davis', 'red', 'alewife']
assert (path_states(longest_ride(boston)) == [
'wonderland', 'revere', 'suffolk', 'airport', 'maverick', 'aquarium', 'state', 'downtown', 'park',
'charles', 'mit', 'central', 'harvard', 'porter', 'davis', 'alewife'] or
path_states(longest_ride(boston)) == [
'alewife', 'davis', 'porter', 'harvard', 'central', 'mit', 'charles',
'park', 'downtown', 'state', 'aquarium', 'maverick', 'airport', 'suffolk', 'revere', 'wonderland'])
assert len(path_states(longest_ride(boston))) == 16
return 'test_ride passes'
print test_ride()
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