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Last active December 31, 2016 19:55
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Solution for both CartPoleTasks
uses policy/value iteration to solve the task
there's a 2 layer neural network that's responsible for estimating the future value of a state
and a linear weight model (wrapped in a softmax) to handle selecting the policy(acitons)
the policy model incorporates the value function, by adjusting the loss score by the difference between the observed reward and the expected reward
actions that perform much better than expected will have a lower "penalty" and thus have their weights less affected than actions where the
observed performance is much worse.
The other interesting component of this model is the exploration function, which ensures that the agent explores at a rate that's proportional
to the probability dist estimated by the policy function e.g. if there's an 80/20 likelikood of choosing actions 0/1, then in practice the
model(throughout training) will choose action 20% of the time (as opposed to defaulting to the more likely value overtime regardless of the dist).
When training this made a large difference in performance
The model usually takes at least 200 to 250 steps to train to last > 500 steps
the approach is based in large part on the work here:
I plan on extending to include memory replay and other features associated with more modern models
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import random
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
#env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
def policy_gradient():
updates the policy gradient based on receiveing a state tensor and an action tensor
state = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = (None, 4))
actions = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = (None, 2))
advantage = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = (None, 1))
linear_weights = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((4, 2)))
linear = tf.matmul(state, linear_weights)
est_probs = tf.nn.softmax(linear)
acc = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(est_probs, actions), reduction_indices = [1])
log_probs = tf.log(acc)
loss = -tf.reduce_sum(log_probs * advantage)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss)
return optimizer, state, actions, advantage, est_probs, loss, linear_weights
def value_gradient():
a 2 layer Feed Forward Net to estimate the value as a function of the state vector
state = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape = (None, 4))
val = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape = (None, 1))
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([4, 10]))
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
h1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(state, w1) + b1)
w2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10, 1]))
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))
val_est = tf.matmul(h1, w2) + b2
loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(val_est - val)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.1).minimize(loss)
return optimizer, state, val, val_est, loss
policy_opt, policy_state_var, policy_action_var, policy_advantages_var, policy_action_est, policy_loss, wts = policy_gradient()
value_opt, value_state_var, value_val_var, value_val_est, value_loss = value_gradient()
sess = tf.Session()
gamma = 0.97
pol_loss_hist = []
val_loss_hist = []
reward_hist = []
for epoch in xrange(1000):
obs = env.reset()
states = []
actions = []
transitions = []
total_reward = 0.0
eps = 1.0/(epoch + 4.0)
while True:
probs =, feed_dict={policy_state_var : obs.reshape((1, obs.shape[0]))})
action = 0 if np.random.rand() < probs[0][0] else 1 #intresting approach.. as you get more confident in your answers the model will start to scale down
action_arr = np.zeros(2)
action_arr[action] = 1.0
next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
transitions.append((next_obs, reward, done))
total_reward += reward
obs = next_obs
if done or total_reward > 500:
future_rewards = []
for idx, trans in enumerate(transitions):
obs, rew, done = trans
cum_reward = 0.0
for idx2, future_trans in enumerate(transitions[idx:]):
_, future_reward, _ = future_trans
#print (gamma**idx2) * future_reward
cum_reward += (gamma**idx2) * future_reward
#calculate the difference between the true reward and the estimated value
#if the policy suggests an action, but the true future reward is worse than the predicted result, then it will increase
#the loss score, which will pull the policy in the other direction
obs_ = [obs for obs, _, _ in transitions]
estimated_val =, feed_dict = {value_state_var : obs_})
advantage = np.array(future_rewards) - estimated_val
pol_opt, pol_loss =[policy_opt, policy_loss], feed_dict = {policy_state_var: states,
policy_action_var: actions,
policy_advantages_var: advantage
val_opt, val_loss =[value_opt, value_loss], feed_dict = {value_state_var: states, value_val_var: future_rewards})
if epoch % 1 == 0:
print 'episode', epoch, 'total_reward', total_reward, pol_loss, val_loss
if sum(reward_hist[-100:])/100.0 > 250:
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