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Created July 4, 2015 17:32
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Generic Lowes Cost Search with Examples
# -----------------
# User Instructions
# In this problem, you will generalize the bridge problem
# by writing a function bridge_problem3, that makes a call
# to lowest_cost_search.
def bridge_problem3(here):
"""Find the fastest (least elapsed time) path to
the goal in the bridge problem."""
# your code here
return lowest_cost_search(start = (frozenset(here) | frozenset(['light']), frozenset()),
successors = bsuccessors2,
is_goal = lambda state : state[0] == frozenset(),
action_cost = bcost) # <== your arguments here
# your code here if necessary
def lowest_cost_search(start, successors, is_goal, action_cost):
"""Return the lowest cost path, starting from start state,
and considering successors(state) => {state:action,...},
that ends in a state for which is_goal(state) is true,
where the cost of a path is the sum of action costs,
which are given by action_cost(action)."""
Fail = []
explored = set() # set of states we have visited
frontier = [ [start] ] # ordered list of paths we have blazed
while frontier:
path = frontier.pop(0)
state1 = final_state(path)
if is_goal(state1):
return path
pcost = path_cost(path)
#print state1
for (state, action) in successors(state1).items():
if state not in explored:
total_cost = pcost + action_cost(action)
path2 = path + [(action, total_cost), state]
add_to_frontier(frontier, path2)
return Fail
def final_state(path): return path[-1]
def path_cost(path):
"The total cost of a path (which is stored in a tuple with the final action)."
if len(path) < 3:
return 0
action, total_cost = path[-2]
return total_cost
def add_to_frontier(frontier, path):
"Add path to frontier, replacing costlier path if there is one."
# (This could be done more efficiently.)
# Find if there is an old path to the final state of this path.
old = None
for i,p in enumerate(frontier):
if final_state(p) == final_state(path):
old = i
if old is not None and path_cost(frontier[old]) < path_cost(path):
return # Old path was better; do nothing
elif old is not None:
del frontier[old] # Old path was worse; delete it
## Now add the new path and re-sort
def bsuccessors2(state):
"""Return a dict of {state:action} pairs. A state is a (here, there) tuple,
where here and there are frozensets of people (indicated by their times) and/or
the light."""
here, there = state
if 'light' in here:
return dict(((here - frozenset([a, b, 'light']),
there | frozenset([a, b, 'light'])),
(a, b, '->'))
for a in here if a is not 'light'
for b in here if b is not 'light')
return dict(((here | frozenset([a, b, 'light']),
there - frozenset([a, b, 'light'])),
(a, b, '<-'))
for a in there if a is not 'light'
for b in there if b is not 'light')
def bcost(action):
"Returns the cost (a number) of an action in the bridge problem."
# An action is an (a, b, arrow) tuple; a and b are times; arrow is a string
a, b, arrow = action
return max(a, b)
def test():
here = [1, 2, 5, 10]
assert bridge_problem3(here) == [
(frozenset([1, 2, 'light', 10, 5]), frozenset([])),
((2, 1, '->'), 2),
(frozenset([10, 5]), frozenset([1, 2, 'light'])),
((2, 2, '<-'), 4),
(frozenset(['light', 10, 2, 5]), frozenset([1])),
((5, 10, '->'), 14),
(frozenset([2]), frozenset([1, 10, 5, 'light'])),
((1, 1, '<-'), 15),
(frozenset([1, 2, 'light']), frozenset([10, 5])),
((2, 1, '->'), 17),
(frozenset([]), frozenset([1, 10, 2, 5, 'light']))]
return 'test passes'
print 'output', bridge_problem3([1, 2, 5, 10])
print test()
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