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Created February 9, 2015 05:53
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Quick Sort Algorithm
import random
def Partition(A, pivot_idx, l, r):
#Choose a random value to be the pivot
pivot = A[pivot_idx]
#Move pivit to first position in subarray
A[l], A[pivot_idx] = A[pivot_idx], A[l]
#stores the idx of the last value less than or equal to the pivot
#at the end of the algorithm the pivot will be swapped with the element
#at this position thus ensuring everything to the left of the pivot is
#less than or equal to th pivot.
#The value is initalized at the current idx of the pivot
last_val_lte_pivot = l
#j explores each element in the subarray starting with the one to the immediate
#right of the pivot
#The for loop then compares the jth element to the pivot and makes any
#necessary swaps
for j in range(l + 1, r):
if A[j] <= pivot:
A[last_val_lte_pivot + 1], A[j] = A[j], A[last_val_lte_pivot + 1]
last_val_lte_pivot += 1
A[l], A[last_val_lte_pivot] = A[last_val_lte_pivot], A[l]
return last_val_lte_pivot
def QuickSort(A, l = 0, r = None):
if r == None:
r = len(A)
n = len(A[l:r])
if n == 1 or n == 0:
return A[l:r]
#Choose Random
pivot_idx = random.randint(l, r-1)
#Choose first
#pivot_idx = l
#Choose Last
#pivot_idx = (r-1)
#Choose Median
# first, middle, last = l, (l + ((r-1)-l)//2), (r - 1)
# if (A[first] <= A[middle] <= A[last]) or (A[last] <= A[middle] <= A[first]):
# pivot_idx = middle
# elif (A[middle] <= A[first] <= A[last]) or (A[last] <= A[first] <= A[middle]):
# pivot_idx = first
# else:
# pivot_idx = last
split = Partition(A, pivot_idx, l, r)
QuickSort(A, l, split)
QuickSort(A, split + 1, r)
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