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Created June 22, 2018 17:09
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Support the injection of inspect capabilities in an elixir pipe |> pipe stream.
defmodule Util.PipeDebug do
@moduledoc """
Support the injection of inspect capabilities in an elixir pipe |> pipestream.
The entire application can have PipeDebug enabled using the :logger configuration settings.
For the config/<env>.exs file for the environment in which you wish to enable PipeDebug, add the following
configuration key:
enable_pipe_debug: true
PipeDebug is disabled by default, so setting
enable_pipe_debug: false
is superfluous.
config :logger,
level: debug,
enable_pipe_debug: true
To force PipeDebug to log debug messages in the current module regardless of the overally application settings:
use Util.PipeDebug, enable_pipe_debug: true
To only enable/disable PipeDebug based on the settings for the entire application, invoke it in the following
use Util.PipeDebug
defmacro __using__(options) do
quote do
require Logger
# Do nothing in prod. Prod should never have debug messages turned on.
def dbg(:prod, _val, _message) do
def dbg(:dev, val, message) when is_nil(message) do
Logger.debug(inspect(val, pretty: true))
def dbg(:dev, val, message) do
Logger.debug(fn -> "#{message}: #{inspect(val, pretty: true)}" end)
def dbg(:test, val, message) when is_nil(message) do
IO.inspect(val, pretty: true)
def dbg(:test, val, message) do
IO.puts("#{message}: #{inspect(val, pretty: true)}")
@doc """
Writes an inspection dump of the given object to standard output, optionally preceded by a message. Used to place
inspections in the midst of a chain of piped calls.
## Parameters
- val: Value to be inspected.
- message: optional message to precede the value inspection.
- opts: options
- :condition an anonymous function used to check conditions on the debug message. Allows the user to throttle
log messages for highly repetitive tasks difficult to comb through in the log.
## Returns
- The value dumped in the inspection, unchanged.
## Examples
iex> %{jazz: "Art", messenger: "Blakey"}
|> Map.values
|> Util.PipeDebug.debug("Jazz Message")
|> Enum.reverse
@spec debug(any(), binary(), keyword()) :: any()
def debug(val, message \\ nil, opts \\ []) do
condition = opts[:condition] || fn _val -> true end
# Note: exrm removes Mix from the mix. Mix.env crashes if called in an exrm/distillery production release!
# If Mix is unavalable, assume prod, so, debugging you need to shut up! No, you shut up!
(unquote(options[:enable_pipe_debug]) ||
Application.get_env(:logger, :enable_pipe_debug, false)) && condition.(val) &&
dbg((Code.ensure_compiled?(Mix) && Mix.env()) || :prod, val, message)
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