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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use File::Basename;
# G R A P H D E F I N I T I O N S
my %graphs = ();
# These are defaults to save typing in the graph definitions
my %defaults = (
global_attrs => {
args => '--base 1000',
data_source_attrs => {
min => '0',
type => 'DERIVE',
draw => 'AREASTACK',
$graphs{userdeltacount} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'User Delta Count',
vlabel => 'Count',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'user_delta_count',
label => 'User Delta Count',
type => 'GAUGE'},
$graphs{status} = {
config => {
global_attrs => {
title => 'Status',
vlabel => 'Operation per ${graph_period}',
data_source_attrs => {
draw => 'LINE1',
data_sources => [
{name => 'connections',
label => 'Connections',},
{name => 'command_search',
label => 'Searches',},
{name => 'queries',
label => 'Queries',},
# M A I N
# Global hash holding the data collected from phpfpm.
our $data; # Was 'my'. Changed to 'our' to facilitate testing.
sub main {
my ($id,$graph);
$0 =~ /sphinx(?:_([^_]+)|)_(.+)\s*$/;
$id = $1;
$graph = $2;
my $command = $ARGV[0] || 'show';
my %command_map = (
'autoconf' => \&autoconf,
'config' => \&config,
'show' => \&show,
'suggest' => \&suggest,
die "Unknown command: $command"
unless exists $command_map{$command};
return $command_map{$command}->($graph,$id);
# C O M M A N D H A N D L E R S
# Each command handler should return an appropriate exit code
sub autoconf {
my $graph_name = shift;
my $response;
if ($graph_name eq "userdeltacount") {
$response = `/usr/bin/indextool --check delta`;
if ($graph_name eq "status") {
$response = `/usr/bin/searchd --status`;
if ($? == 0) {
print "yes\n";
return 0;
} else {
print "no\n";
return 0;
sub suggest {
foreach my $graph (sort keys(%graphs)) {
print "$graph\n";
return 0;
sub config {
my $graph_name = shift;
my $id = shift;
die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '')
unless $graphs{$graph_name};
my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name};
my %conf = (%{$defaults{global_attrs}}, %{$graph->{config}{global_attrs}});
while (my ($k, $v) = each %conf) {
if ($id and $k eq 'title') {
print "graph_$k $id - $v\n";
else {
print "graph_$k $v\n";
print "graph_category sphinx\n";
my $i = 0;
for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) {
my %ds_spec = (
while (my ($k, $v) = each %ds_spec) {
# 'name' is only used internally in this script, not
# understood by munin.
next if ($k eq 'name');
# AREASTACK is part of munin as of version 1.3.3 (not
# released yet). Until then ...
if ($k eq 'draw' && $v eq 'AREASTACK') {
printf("%s.%s %s\n",
clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), $k, ($i ? 'STACK' : 'AREA'));
else {
printf("%s.%s %s\n", clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), $k, $v);
return 0;
sub show {
my $graph_name = shift;
die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '')
unless $graphs{$graph_name};
my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name};
for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) {
printf "%s.value %s\n",
clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), $data->{$ds->{name}};
return 0;
# U T I L I T Y S U B S
sub get_data {
my $graph_name = shift;
if ($graph_name eq "userdeltacount") {
my $response = `/usr/bin/indextool --dumpheader delta`;
if ($? != 0) {
$response = "";
if ($response =~ /^total-documents:\s+([0-9\.]+)/im) {
$data->{"user_delta_count"} = "$1";
} else {
$data->{"user_delta_count"} = "U";
if ($graph_name eq "status") {
my $response = `/usr/bin/searchd --status`;
if ($? != 0) {
$response = "";
if ($response =~ /^connections:\s+([0-9\.]+)/im) {
$data->{"connections"} = "$1";
} else {
$data->{"connections"} = "U";
if ($response =~ /^command_search:\s+([0-9\.]+)/im) {
$data->{"command_search"} = "$1";
} else {
$data->{"command_search"} = "U";
if ($response =~ /^queries:\s+([0-9\.]+)/im) {
$data->{"queries"} = "$1";
} else {
$data->{"queries"} = "U";
# Can't use variable names longer than 19 characters:
sub clean_fieldname {
my $name = shift;
# Replace a sequence of illegal leading chars with a single _
$name =~ s/^[^A-Za-z_]+/_/;
# Replace remaining illegals with _
$name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g;
# And use only the last 19 chars
$name = substr($name,-19);
return $name;
exit main() unless caller;
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