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Created January 13, 2014 22:32
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scraping with casperjs and functional utility belt
_ = require 'underscore'
casper = require('casper').create()
utils = require('utils')
curry2 = (fn) ->
(arg2) ->
(arg1) ->
fn arg1, arg2
curry3 = (fn) ->
(arg3) ->
(arg2) ->
(arg1) ->
fn arg1, arg2, arg3
n = 0
releases = []
url =
beep: ""
meep: ""
link = if type = casper.cli.get(0) then url[type] else url.beep
lower = curry2(_.invoke)('toLowerCase')
substr = _.bind(, String.prototype.substr)
truncateTo80 = curry3(substr)(80)(0)
split = _.bind(, String.prototype.split)
splitByPeriod = curry2(split)('.')
splitByDash = curry2(split)('-')
join = _.bind(, Array.prototype.join)
joinWithDash = curry2(join)('-')
parse = ->
removeGrp = _.compose(joinWithDash, _.initial, splitByDash)
contains = (str) ->
_.compose(curry2(_.contains)(str.toLowerCase()), lower, splitByPeriod, removeGrp)
is720p = contains '720p'
isForeign = (str) ->
languages = ['german', 'french', 'dutch', 'swedish', 'norwegian', 'nlsubbed', 'spanish', 'flemish', 'portuguese']
_.reduce languages, (memo, language) ->
memo || contains(language)(str)
, false
elements = @getElementsInfo('#releases div span.release')
start = (n) ->
suffix = if n == 0 then '' else "/#{n + 1}"
@start link + suffix, ->
releases = releases.concat
dispatch = ->
if releases.length <= 24 && n < 10, n++)
@run dispatch
echo = _.bind(@echo, @)
casper.start().then ->
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