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Last active January 24, 2022 10:51
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ML learning materials : for book Markov Models
*Markov Models:*
1. Weather
Markov Property/Assumption: tomorrow's value is only based on today's value, not yesterday's -- only on most recent value
Current state depends only on previous state or next state depends only on current state.
Distribution of state at time t depends only on state at time t-1.
P(s(t)| s(t-1))
Goal: Model joint probability or probability of seeing an entire specific sequence
-- Chain rule of probability. Direct consequence of Bayes rule
P(s(1),s(0)) = P(s(1)| s(0))P(s(0))
P(sunny(t)| rain(t-i)) = count(sunny(t)|rain(t-1))/count(rain(t-1))
Estimates more accurate when no. of samples approaches infinity.
For sentence completion, you may need 2-3 previous words.
So train on sequences of 3-4 words, current word depends on 2-3 previous words
If current state depends on 2 previous states -- 2nd order Markov Model, 3 previous states -- 3rd order Markov Model
Weather prediction: model
3 states --1 weight each: 3*3 weights
For M states, 1 weight each, M*M weights
A: State transition matrix or Transition probabilities
A(i,j) -- prob of going from state i to state j
A(i,j) = P(S(j)|S(i))
P(S(t)=i, S(t-1)=j) = P(S(j)|S(i))
This matrix also could change over time and not a constant, eg. one rainy day following another rainy day more in winter than summer
To simplify, consider only constant transition probability matrix
Where we start: initial state distribution: M-dim vector pi0
max likelihood
eg. 3 sentences -- training data
i like dogs
i like cats
i love kangaroos
states: [i, like, dogs, cats, love, kangaroos]
so pi0 = [1,0,0,0,0]
P(like|i) = 2/3
P(love|i) = 1/3
P(dogs| like) = P(cats|like) = 1/2
P(kangaroos | love) =1
All other state transition probabilities are 0
Engligh has large vocabulary, 1 m words
Instead of max likelihood, use smoothed estimates
add a small number to numerator (epsilon)
add V*epsilon to denom, V=vocabulary size
P(s(t) = j | s(t-1) =i) = [count(i -->j) + epsilon] / [count(i) + epsilon * V]
There are 2 objects we need to represent a Markov model:
1. A, transition probability matrix
2. pi0, initial state distribution
2. Markov Chains
discrete time stochastic process
eg. what is probability of sunny day 5 days from now?
pi1 = pi0 x A -- state dist at time t=1
p12 = pi1 x A -- state dist at time t=2
p13 = pi2 x A -- state dist at time t=3
p14 = pi3 x A -- state dist at time t=4
p15 = pi4 x A -- state dist at time t=5
State distribution of p(s(t)) at time t = pi0 x A ^ t
p(s) = p(s)x A --> stationary distribution. No matter how many times we transition, still have same state distribution
How can we find a stationary distribution ? This is the eigen value problem, where eigen value is 1.
Eigen values are not unique. So after finding eigen vector for which eigen value is 1, you have to normalize it so that it sums to 1.
What state do we expect to end up in? Final state distribution
or state distribution at time inifinity or pi(inf)
pi(inf) = pi0 (A ^ infinity)
pi(inf) = pi(inf) A
--> equilibrium/limiting distribution
state distribution that you settle into after a very long time
Can be used for weather, not stock market
Markov Chain Monte Carlo <MCMC>
3.Healthy or Sick:
If you want to model a certain situation or environment, take some data you;ve gathered, build a simple maximum likelihood model on it, do things like: study properties that emerge from the model or make predictions from the model or generate next most likely state from the model
4.Expected no. of continuously sick days
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