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Forked from ruario/
Created March 7, 2023 10:30
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A script that fetches a ChromeOS image for ARM32 and extracts the Widevine binary, saving it in a compressed archive for use with Vivaldi

The included script '' fetches a ChromeOS image for ARM and extracts the Widevine binary, saving it in a compressed archive. Since it downloads a fairly large file (2Gb+ on disk after download) it is recommended that you run the script on a machine that has plenty of disk space.

To install the resultant archive, issue the following on your ARM machine–after copying over the archive if needed:

sudo tar Cfx / widevine-flash-20200124_armhf.tgz

(Where 'widevine-flash-20200124_armhf.tgz' is updated to reflect the actual name of the created archive)

After install of these libraries, issue the following two commands and restart Vivaldi–assumes bash as your shell:

mkdir -p ~/.config/vivaldi{,-snapshot}/WidevineCdm
echo '{"Path":"/opt/WidevineCdm"}' | tee ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm > ~/.config/vivaldi-snapshot/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm

(Triple click to select each complete line above)

This created package is designed to work on Vivaldi 2.10 (not pure Chromium 79+, which would require patches to detect Widevine on ARM).

#!/bin/sh -eu
# Make sure we have wget or curl
available () {
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
if available wget; then
DL="wget -O-"
DL_SL="wget -qO-"
elif available curl; then
DL="curl -L"
DL_SL="curl -s"
echo "Install Wget or cURL" >&2
exit 1
# Find a URL to a suitable armhf ChromeOS recovery image
CHROMEOS_URL="$($DL_SL | grep -A11 CB5-312T | sed -n 's/^url=//p')"
CHROMEOS_IMG="$(basename "$CHROMEOS_URL" .zip)"
if [ -e "$CHROMEOS_IMG" ]; then
# Fetch the recovery image (2Gb+ on disk after download)
# Note the next free loop device in a variable
LOOPD="$(losetup -f)"
# If root, we can mount silently (no popup windows after mount)
if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then
MNTPNT="$(mktemp -d -t ChromeOS.XXXXXX)"
mount -o ro "${LOOPD}p3" "$MNTPNT"
# Associate all the partitions on the disk image with loop devices:
udisksctl loop-setup -rf "$CHROMEOS_IMG_PATH/$CHROMEOS_IMG"
sleep 1
# Mount the third partition of the disk image (if the previous did not do it automatically)
if ! lsblk -lo MOUNTPOINT "${LOOPD}p3" | tail -n1 | grep -q \.; then
udisksctl mount -b "${LOOPD}p3"
# Note the mount point in a variable
MNTPNT="$(lsblk -lo MOUNTPOINT "${LOOPD}p3" | tail -n1)"
# Copy over files and make manifest
CHRFILES="$(mktemp -d -t ChromeOS_Files.XXXXXX)"
install -Dm644 "$MNTPNT"/opt/google/chrome/ "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/
WVVER="$(grep -Eaom1 '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+' "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/"
WVMGR="$(echo $WVVER | cut -d. -f1)"
WVMIN="$(echo $WVVER | cut -d. -f2)"
echo "{\"version\":\"$WVVER\",\"x-cdm-codecs\":\"vp8,vp9.0,avc1,av01\",\"x-cdm-host-versions\":\"$WVMIN\",\"x-cdm-interface-versions\":\"$WVMIN\",\"x-cdm-module-versions\":\"$WVMGR\"}" > "$CHRFILES"/opt/WidevineCdm/manifest.json
# Extract the libs out and copy them to a compressed tar archive
ARCHIVE_NAME="widevine-flash-$(date '+%Y%m%d')_armhf.tgz"
echo "Extracting and compressing files"
tar -C"$CHRFILES" -caf "$ARCHIVE_NAME" opt/WidevineCdm/manifest.json opt/WidevineCdm/_platform_specific/linux_arm/ --format ustar --owner 0 --group 0
rm -r "$CHRFILES"
echo "Created: $ARCHIVE_NAME"
# Cleanup
if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then
umount "$MNTPNT"
losetup -d "$LOOPD"
rmdir "$MNTPNT"
ALLMNTS="$(lsblk -lo NAME,MOUNTPOINT "$LOOPD" | sed -n '/\//s/^\(loop[0-9]\+p[0-9]\+\).*/\1/p')"
echo "$ALLMNTS" | xargs -I{} -n1 udisksctl unmount -b /dev/{}
if [ "$LOOPD" != "$(losetup -f)" ]; then
udisksctl loop-delete -b "$LOOPD"
if [ "$DEL_IMG" = "N" ] || [ "${1:-EMPTY}" = "-k" ]; then
# Inform the user how to proceed
cat <<EOF
To install the contents of these files on an ARMhf device, copy the tar archive over to the target machine and issue the following:
sudo tar Cfx / $ARCHIVE_NAME
After install of these libraries, issue the following two commands and restart Vivaldi:
mkdir -p ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm
echo '{"Path":"/opt/WidevineCdm"}' > ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm
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