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Created March 3, 2014 09:49
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  • Save mkurzeja/9321662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mkurzeja/9321662 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Capifony restore dump on remote server
namespace :database do
namespace :restore do
desc "Uploads latest db dump to remote and populates data into db"
task :remote, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
filename = "#{application}.remote_dump.latest.sql.gz"
file = "#{backup_path}/#{filename}"
sqlfile = "#{application}_dump.sql"
config = ""
upload(file, "#{remote_tmp_dir}/#{filename}", :via => :scp)
run "#{try_sudo} gunzip -c #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{filename} > #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{sqlfile}"
data = capture("#{try_sudo} cat #{current_path}/#{app_config_path}/#{app_config_file}")
config = load_database_config data, symfony_env_prod
case config['database_driver']
when "pdo_mysql", "mysql"
data = capture("#{try_sudo} mysql -u#{config['database_user']} --host='#{config['database_host']}' --password='#{config['database_password']}' #{config['database_name']} < #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{sqlfile}")
puts data
when "pdo_pgsql", "pgsql"
data = capture("#{try_sudo} PGPASSWORD=\"#{config['database_password']}\" psql -U #{config['database_user']} #{config['database_name']} -h#{config['database_host']} < #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{sqlfile}")
puts data
run "#{try_sudo} rm -f #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{filename}"
run "#{try_sudo} rm -f #{remote_tmp_dir}/#{sqlfile}"
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