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Created March 14, 2018 14:54
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A command line script to open Kibana according to given parameters.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* define CLI
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "open-log [options]", )
final String DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = "prod"
cli.e(longOpt: "environment", args: 1, argName: "environment",
"Environment whose logs should be displayed (either int, pre or prod).\nDefault: ${DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT}")
final String DEFAULT_TIME = "24h"
cli.t(longOpt: "time", args: 1, argName: "time",
"Age of the oldest log to be displayed (e.g. 24h or 15m or 7d).\nDefault: ${DEFAULT_TIME}")
final List<String> STANDARD_COLUMNS = ["loglevel", "msg"]
cli.c(longOpt: "columns", args: 20, argName: "columns", valueSeparator: ",",
"Comma separated list of additional columns to be displayed (e.g. \"log_type,host,market_code\").\n" +
"Default: ${STANDARD_COLUMNS.join(",")}")
final String SERVICE_NAME = new File(".")
cli.s(longOpt: "services", args: 10, argName: "services", valueSeparator: ",",
"Comma separated list of additional services whose logs should be displayed.")
cli.q(longOpt: "query", args: 1, argName: "query",
"Query string to look for.")
cli.h(longOpt: "help", "Print this message.")
* parse arguments
OptionAccessor options = cli.parse(args)
if (options.h) {
String environment = options.e ?: DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT
List<String> services = [SERVICE_NAME] + ( ?: [])
List<String> columns = STANDARD_COLUMNS + (services.size() > 1 ? ["service"] : []) + (options.cs ?: [])
String time = options.t ?: DEFAULT_TIME
String query = options.q ?: ""
* assamble URL
String servicesFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:'technical-*',key:service,negate:!f,params:!(${services.join(",")}),type:phrases,value:'${services.join(",%20")}')," +
"query:(bool:(minimum_should_match:1,should:!(${services.collect { "(match_phrase:(service:${it}))" }.join(",")}))))"
String accessLogFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:'technical-*',key:log_type,negate:!t,type:phrase,value:access)," +
String debugFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:'technical-*',key:loglevel,negate:!t,type:phrase,value:DEBUG)," +
String infoFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:'technical-*',key:loglevel,negate:!t,type:phrase,value:INFO)," +
String warnFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!t,index:'technical-*',key:loglevel,negate:!t,type:phrase,value:WARN)," +
String errorFilterPart = "('\$state':(store:appState)," +
"meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!t,index:'technical-*',key:loglevel,negate:!t,type:phrase,value:ERROR)," +
String queryPart = (query ? "query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'%22${query}%22'))" : "query:(match_all:())")
String g = "_g=(time:(from:now-${time},mode:quick,to:now))"
String a = "_a=(columns:!(${columns.join(",")})," +
"filters:!(${servicesFilterPart},${accessLogFilterPart},${debugFilterPart},${infoFilterPart},${warnFilterPart},${errorFilterPart})," +
String url = "https://logging-${environment}${g}&${a}"
* open URL
String command = [
"windows": "start",
"linux": "xdg-open",
"darwin": "open"
].find { key, value ->[""].toLowerCase().contains(key) }.value
Process process = "${command} ${url}".execute()
process.consumeProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
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