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Created July 26, 2018 11:12
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Getting issues and label assignment date to Excel via VBA macro for time reporting
Private pGitLabClient As WebClient
Private pToken As String
Private Property Get Token() As String
If pToken = "" Then
If Credentials.Loaded Then
pToken = Credentials.Values("GitLab")("token")
pToken = InputBox("GitLab Token?")
End If
End If
Token = pToken
End Property
Private Property Get GitLabClient() As WebClient
If pGitLabClient Is Nothing Then
Set pGitLabClient = New WebClient
pGitLabClient.BaseUrl = ""
Dim Auth As New TokenAuthenticator
Auth.Setup _
Header:="PRIVATE-TOKEN", _
Set pGitLabClient.Authenticator = Auth
End If
Set GitLabClient = pGitLabClient
End Property
Function GetSample() As String
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
Request.Resource = "Invoice.svc/sample"
' Set the request format (Set {format} segment, content-types, and parse the response)
Request.Format = WebFormat.Json
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpGet
Set Response = GitLabClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Button = MsgBox(Response.StatusDescription, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical, "Hata olustu")
GetSample = WebHelpers.ConvertToJson(Response.Data, " ", 2)
'MsgBox WebHelpers.ConvertToJson(Response.Data, " ", 2)
End If
' MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Function
Function GetIssiues(ProjectId As Long, Start As Integer) As Object
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
Request.Resource = "/issues?project=" & ProjectId & "&page=" & Start & "&per_page=100"
' Set the request format (Set {format} segment, content-types, and parse the response)
Request.Format = WebFormat.Json
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpGet
Set Response = GitLabClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Button = MsgBox(Response.StatusDescription, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical, "Hata olustu")
Set GetIssiues = Response.Data
'GetIssiues = WebHelpers.ConvertToJson(Response.Data, " ", 2)
'MsgBox WebHelpers.ConvertToJson(Response.Data, " ", 2)
End If
' MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Function
Function GetEvents() As Object
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
Request.Resource = "/events?project=6452557&target_type=issue&action=closed&per_page=100"
' Set the request format (Set {format} segment, content-types, and parse the response)
Request.Format = WebFormat.Json
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpGet
Set Response = GitLabClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Button = MsgBox(Response.StatusDescription, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical, "Hata olustu")
Set GetEvents = Response.Data
End If
End Function
Function GetNotes(ProjectId As Long, IssueId As Integer) As Object
'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
Request.Resource = "/projects/" & ProjectId & "/issues/" & IssueId & "/notes"
' Set the request format (Set {format} segment, content-types, and parse the response)
Request.Format = WebFormat.Json
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpGet
Set Response = GitLabClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.NotFound Then
'GetNotes = Null
ElseIf Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Button = MsgBox(Response.StatusDescription, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical, "Hata olustu")
Set GetNotes = Response.Data
End If
End Function
Public Const Project_CoreGrid = 6452557
Public Const Project_Jhipster = 6822181
Public Const Project_Audit = 7277583
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim PrevUpdating As Boolean
Dim LastIndex As Integer
PrevUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
LastIndex = 1
GetIssues Project_CoreGrid, LastIndex
GetIssues Project_Jhipster, LastIndex
GetIssues Project_Audit, LastIndex
'ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 1) = "Yukleniyor
'ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 1) = gitlab.GetIssiues
Application.ScreenUpdating = PrevUpdating
End Sub
Sub GetIssues(ProjectId As Long, Optional ByRef LastIndex As Integer = 1, Optional LastPage As Integer = 1)
Dim Issues As Object
Dim Assignee As Object
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Set Issues = gitlab.GetIssiues(ProjectId, LastPage)
Set Sheet = Worksheets("issues")
If (LastIndex = 1) Then
Sheet.Cells(1, 1) = "project_id"
Sheet.Cells(1, 2) = "id"
Sheet.Cells(1, 3) = "iid"
Sheet.Cells(1, 4) = "title"
Sheet.Cells(1, 5) = "state"
Sheet.Cells(1, 6) = ""
Sheet.Cells(1, 7) = "created_at"
Sheet.Cells(1, 8) = "closed_at"
LastIndex = LastIndex + 1
End If
For Each Issue In Issues
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 1) = ProjectId
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 2) = Issue("id")
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 3) = Issue("iid")
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 4) = Issue("title")
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 5) = Issue("state")
If Not IsNull(Issue("assignee")) Then
Set Assignee = Issue("assignee")
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 6) = Assignee("name")
End If
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 7) = FormatDate(Issue("created_at"))
Sheet.Cells(LastIndex, 8) = FormatDate(Issue("closed_at"))
LastIndex = LastIndex + 1
Next Issue
If LastIndex = LastPage * 100 + 2 Then
GetIssues ProjectId, LastIndex, LastPage + 1
End If
End Sub
Sub FindStartDates()
Dim Notes As Object
Dim Assignee As Object
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Dim ProjectId As Long
Dim IssueId As Integer
Set Sheet = Worksheets("issues")
Sheet.Cells(1, 9) = "started_at"
For Each Row In Sheet.Rows
'Bos satira gelince duralim
If IsEmpty(Sheet.Cells(Row.Row, 1).value) Then
Exit For
End If
'ilk satırı geçelim
If Row.Row > 1 Then
ProjectId = Sheet.Cells(Row.Row, 1).value
IssueId = Sheet.Cells(Row.Row, 3).value
Set Notes = gitlab.GetNotes(ProjectId, IssueId)
If Not Notes Is Nothing Then
For Each Note In Notes
If InStrRev(Note("body"), "added ~4112781 label", -1, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Sheet.Cells(Row.Row, 9) = FormatDate(Note("created_at"))
Exit For
End If
Next Note
End If
End If
Next Row
End Sub
Sub GetEvents()
Dim Events As Object
Dim Assignee As Object
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Set Events = gitlab.GetEvents
Set Sheet = Worksheets("events")
Sheet.Cells(1, 1) = "issue_id"
Sheet.Cells(1, 2) = "action_name"
Sheet.Cells(1, 3) = "created_at"
i = 2
For Each Evnt In Events
Sheet.Cells(i, 1) = Evnt("target_id")
Sheet.Cells(i, 2) = Evnt("action_name")
Sheet.Cells(i, 3) = Evnt("created_at")
i = i + 1
Next Evnt
End Sub
Function FormatDate(value As Variant) As String
If IsNull(value) Or IsEmpty(value) Then
FormatDate = ""
FormatDate = Mid(value, 9, 2) & "." & Mid(value, 6, 2) & ". " & Mid(value, 1, 4) & " " & Mid(value, 12, 8)
End If
End Function
' Http Token Authenticator v3.0.5
' (c) Tim Hall -
' Custom IWebAuthenticator for GitLab Token Authenticator
' @class TokenAuthenticator
' @implements IWebAuthenticator v4.*
' @author
' @license MIT (
'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
Implements IWebAuthenticator
Option Explicit
' --------------------------------------------- '
' Constants and Private Variables
' --------------------------------------------- '
' --------------------------------------------- '
' Properties
' --------------------------------------------- '
Public Header As String
Public value As String
' ============================================= '
' Public Methods
' ============================================= '
' Setup
' @param {String} Header
' @param {String} Value
Public Sub Setup(Header As String, value As String)
Me.Header = Header
Me.value = value
End Sub
' Hook for taking action before a request is executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that is about to execute the request
' @param in|out {WebRequest} Request The request about to be executed
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_BeforeExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByRef Request As WebRequest)
Request.SetHeader Me.Header, Me.value
End Sub
' Hook for taking action after request has been executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that executed request
' @param {WebRequest} Request The request that was just executed
' @param in|out {WebResponse} Response to request
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_AfterExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Response As WebResponse)
' e.g. Handle 401 Unauthorized or other issues
End Sub
' Hook for updating http before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {WinHttpRequest} Http
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareHttp(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Http As Object)
'Http.SetCredentials Me.Username, Me.Password, web_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER
End Sub
' Hook for updating cURL before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {String} Curl
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareCurl(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Curl As String)
' e.g. Add flags to cURL
'Curl = Curl & " --basic --user " & WebHelpers.PrepareTextForShell(Me.Username) & ":" & WebHelpers.PrepareTextForShell(Me.Password)
End Sub
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mkysoft commented Jul 26, 2018

You need VBA-Web for using this.

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