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aliases in windows Command shell (git clone, cd ...)
:: alias_doskey.bat
:: 2022-02M-07 12:54:05
:: aliases in windows Command shell
:: /Windows has two command-line shells: the Command shell and PowerShell./
:: OS: Windows 10
:: ("alias_doskey.bat" is called from "alias-prompt.lnk")
:: I put it in a folder in my Windows path (for example):
:: C:\UTILS\BATCH\alias-prompt.lnk
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: doskey
:: By default, DOSKEY macros are only saved for the current session.
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: Syntax
:: DOSKEY [options] [macroname=[text]]
:: Key
:: macroname A short name for the macro.
:: text The commands you want to recall.
:: Advanced macro definitions:
:: $T If you put more than one command in a DOSKEY macro, use $T.
:: to separate them. Equivalent to & in a batch file.
:: $1-$9 Parameters, equivalent to %1-%9 in a batch file.
:: $* This represents ALL the parameters $1-9
:: Options:
:: /MACROFILE=filename Specify a file of macros to install
:: /MACROS Display all Doskey macros
:: /EXENAME=exename Specify an executable other than cmd.exe
:: /MACROS:exename Display all Doskey macros for the given executable
:: /MACROS:ALL Display all Doskey macros for all executables
:: /HISTORY Display all commands stored in memory.
:: /REINSTALL Install a new copy of Doskey (clears the buffer).
:: ALT+F10 Clear macro definitions
:: To delete a macro called "cdnu", type:
:: doskey cdnu=
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: Yes, make the shortcut's path
:: %comspec% /k <command>
:: (echo %comspec%)
:: where
:: %comspec% is the environment variable for cmd.exe's full path,
:: equivalent to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe on most (if not all) Windows installs
:: /k keeps the window open after the command has run,
:: this may be replaced with /c if you want the window to close once the command is finished running
:: <command> is the command you wish to run
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: Create "alias-prompt.lnk",
:: I put it in a folder in my Windows path (for example):
:: 0) First, create a file to hold your aliases:
:: alias_doskey.bat
:: 1) Create a shortcut:
:: Right-click on your desktop (or elsewhere) to create a link („New Shortcut“).
:: Aka a .lnk file with an exceptionally well hidden extension.
:: ---------------------------
:: 2) "Type the Location of Item" ("Target"):
:: (%comspec% /k <command>)
:: (%windir%\system32\cmd.exe)
:: cmd /k "C:\UTILS\BATCH\alias_doskey.bat & dir /B"
:: ---------------------------
:: 3) Name shortcut.
:: let say...
:: alias-prompt
:: 4) Right Click on shortcut, chose Properties.
:: Start In:
:: C:\UTILS\
:: ---------------------------
:: 5) Move the generated command prompt link, "alias-prompt.lnk" into a directory:
:: Desktop, "alias-prompt.lnk", Right Click, Cut
:: File Explorer (Win-E),
:: Paste
:: ---------------------------
:: 6) Here you go :-)
:: Run: Win-R, alias-prompt
:: "alias-prompt.lnk"
:: I put it in a folder in my Windows path:
:: Now when you open command prompt from the shortcut, your aliases will be loaded.
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: Display all Doskey macros:
:: doskey /MACROS
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
:: cd /?
:: dir /?
:: dir /OGN
:: cmd /?
:: ---------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
:: Temporary system path at cmd startup
:: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip\;C:\Program Files\Windows Application Driver\
:: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip\;C:\UTDEV\YWinAppDriver\
:: set APPIUM_WAD_PATH="C:\UTDEV\YWinAppDriver\WinAppDriver.exe"
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\UTDEV\Appium-Inspector-windows-2023.12.2-x64\
:: Add to path by command
:: DOSKEY add_python33=set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Python33\"
:: ---------------------------
:: Common directories
doskey cdmd=cd %USERPROFILE%\Documents\$tdir /OGN $*
doskey cdnc=cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim\$tdir /OGN $*
doskey cdnd=cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\nvim-data\$tdir /OGN $*
doskey cdut=cd C:\UTILS\$tdir /OGN $*
doskey cdde=cd C:\MB_DEV\$tdir /OGN $*
:: ---------------------------
:: Commands
doskey al=doskey /MACROS
:: DOSKEY alias=notepad %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\alias.cmd
:: doskey gc=git clone $1$tdir /OGN $*
doskey gs=git status
doskey ga=git add .
:: doskey gp=git push -u origin main
doskey gp=git push
doskey gcl=git clone $*
:: git commit -m "Initial setup of website"
doskey gco=git commit -m $*
:: ---------------------------
:: 7z x -mcp=852
doskey 7ze=7z x -mcp=852 $1
doskey wad=WinAppDriver
doskey ApIn="Appium Inspector.exe"
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