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Created August 23, 2018 07:02
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MultiFractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis: parallel version
MFDFA2<-function (tsx, scale, m = 1, q) {
poly_fit.val<-function (x, y, n) {
formule <- lm(as.formula(paste("y~", paste("I(x^", 1:n, ")",
sep = "", collapse = "+"))))
res1 <- coef(formule)
poly.res <- res1[length(res1):1]
suppressWarnings(res2 <- predict(formule, interval = "prediction"))
poly.eva <- res2[, 1]
allres <- list(polyfit = round(poly.res, 4), polyval = poly.eva)
X <- cumsum(tsx - mean(tsx))
seg <- c()
qRMS <- list()
Fq <- c()
Fqi <- list()
Hq <- c()
qRegLine <- list()
RMSvi <- list()
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1]-1)
Fqi<-foreach(i=1:length(scale)) %dopar% {
seg[i] <- floor(length(X)/scale[i])
rmvi <- c()
for (vi in 1:seg[i]) {
Index = ((((vi - 1) * scale[i]) + 1):(vi * scale[i]))
polyft <- poly_fit.val(Index, X[Index], m)
C <- polyft$polyfit
fit <- polyft$polyval
rmvi[vi] <- sqrt(mean((fit - X[Index])^2))
RMSvi[[i]] <- rmvi
for (nq in 1:length(q)) {
rod <- RMSvi[[i]]^q[nq]
qRMS[[nq]] <- rod
Fq[nq] <- mean(qRMS[[nq]])^(1/q[nq])
if (any(q == 0)) {
Fq[which(q == 0)] <- exp(0.5 * mean(log(RMSvi[[i]]^2)))
Fqi[[i]] <- Fq
Fqi <- Reduce("rbind", Fqi)
for (nq in 1:length(q)) {
polyft <- poly_fit.val(log2(scale), log2(Fqi[, nq]), 1)
C <- polyft$polyfit
Hq[nq] <- C[1]
qRegLine[[nq]] <- polyft$polyval
qRegLine <-"cbind", qRegLine))
tq <- Hq * q - 1
hq <- diff(tq)/(q[2] - q[1])
Dq <- (q[1:(length(q) - 1)] * hq) - tq[1:(length(tq) - 1)]
return(list(Hq = Hq, tau_q = tq, spec = data.frame(hq = hq,Dq = Dq), Fqi = Fqi, line = qRegLine))
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mlaib commented Aug 23, 2018

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