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Created July 17, 2014 12:03
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A mixin for DjangoRestFramework providing seamles pagination of list responses without enveloping the response in an extra JSON object.
from django.core.paginator import (
from rest_framework.templatetags.rest_framework import replace_query_param
from rest_framework.response import Response
class PaginatedListModelMixin(object):
A mixin providing seamless pagination of list responses.
The difference to the behavior of the
:class:`rest_framework.mixins.ListModelMixin` is that the pagination
links are included in the HTTP ``Link`` header instead of enveloping
the results of the endpoint in a JSON object with a "results" field.
(This is the type of pagination that e.g. GitHub implements.)
By default, the pagination uses integer page IDs (counting pages),
but by overriding some of the methods, it would be possible to
provide a different type of page identifier, such as hashes.
This mixin should be used as a drop-in replacement for the ListModelMixin
if this pagination behavior is wanted.
default_page_size = 10
page_size_parameter = 'page_size'
paging_parameter = 'page'
paginator_class = Paginator
def get_page_size(self):
Method returns the size of the page which should be returned.
The default implementation returns either the size given in the
query string parameter named :attr:`page_size_parameter` (if
given and a valid integer) or the default size given by the
:attr:`default_page_size` property.
page_size = self.default_page_size
if self.page_size_parameter in self.request.QUERY_PARAMS:
page_size = int(
except ValueError:
return page_size
def get_paginator_instance(self, object_list):
Get a paginator instance which can be used to retrieve pages of
The paginator instance should be able to provide pages identified
by the identifiers being returned by the :meth:`get_page_identifier`
By default, the method constructs a paginator based on the
:attr:`paginator_class` property by passing it the given object list
and the page size.
return self.paginator_class(object_list, self.get_page_size())
def get_page_identifier(self):
Return the identifier of the page which should be returned for
this request.
In the default implementation the identifiers are integers
representing the page numbers.
The default implementation returns the value of the query string
parameter named ``paging_parameter``.
If there is no such parameter or it does not have a valid integer
value, returns the first page.
page = 1
if self.paging_parameter in self.request.QUERY_PARAMS:
page = self.request.QUERY_PARAMS[self.paging_parameter]
page = int(page)
except ValueError:
page = 1
return page
def build_page_url(self, page_identifier):
Builds a URL which can be used to access the given page identifer.
In the general case, the page identifiers do not have to be numbers.
url = self.request.build_absolute_uri()
return replace_query_param(url, self.paging_parameter, page_identifier)
def generate_link(self, rel, page_identifier):
Generates a link for the given page with the given ``rel`` name.
LINK_TEMPLATE = '<{url}>; rel="{rel}"'
url = self.build_page_url(page_identifier)
return LINK_TEMPLATE.format(url=url, rel=rel)
def add_pagination_links(self, response):
Adds the pagination links already prepared and found in the
:attr:`pagination_links` property to the given HttpResponse instance.
The links are to be found in the ``Link`` HTTP header.
links = ', '.join((
self.generate_link(rel, page_number)
for rel, page_number in self.pagination_links.items()
if links:
# Add the header only if there were some links generated
response['Link'] = links
def set_up_pagination_links(self, page):
Sets up the pagination links which are to be included in the
HTTP ``Link`` header.
The links are based on the given page parameter.
self.pagination_links = {}
if page is None:
if page.has_next():
self.pagination_links['next'] = page.next_page_number()
if page.has_previous():
self.pagination_links['prev'] = page.previous_page_number()
def paginate(self, object_list):
Performs the pagination step.
:param object_list: The list of objects which should be paginated
:returns: A list of objects which should be returned as a result
of the current request.
paginator = self.get_paginator_instance(object_list)
page =
except EmptyPage:
results = []
page = None
results = page.object_list
# After the results for the current request have been found,
# prepare the pagination links which will later be added to the
# ``Link`` header of the HTTP response
return results
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
An implementation of the list method which obtains the same
object list as the :class:`rest_framework.mixins.ListModelMixin`
would, but returns the results paginated in a different manner.
# Keep the same expected behavior as the DRF list mixin would have
self.object_list = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
# Get a list of objects to return
self.object_list = self.paginate(self.object_list)
# Now prepare the response content
serializer = self.get_serializer(self.object_list, many=True)
response = Response(
# Add the appropriate links
return response
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