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Created February 26, 2016 17:17
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Save mlapida/579affd5395b8cc74eb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small Particle firmware for sending movement data to a web-hook.
// Make sure to include the spcial library for the internet button
#include "InternetButton/InternetButton.h"
// Create a Button named b. It will be your friend, and you two will spend lots of time together.
InternetButton b = InternetButton();
int ledOldPos = 0;
char ledPosTrust[5];
int moveCount = 0;
int loopCount =0;
// The code in setup() runs once when the device is powered on or reset. Used for setting up states, modes, etc
void setup() {
// Tell b to get everything ready to go
// Use b.begin(1); if you have the original SparkButton, which does not have a buzzer or a plastic enclosure
// to use, just add a '1' between the parentheses in the code below.
/* loop(), in contrast to setup(), runs all the time. Over and over again.
Remember this particularly if there are things you DON'T want to run a lot. Like Spark.publish() */
void loop() {
// Load up the special "lowestLed" object
int ledPos = b.lowestLed();
// Turn the LEDs off so they don't all end up on
// I'm movin', incriment the counter up
if (ledOldPos != ledPos){
//The button's have been triggered! Record this!
if ((b.buttonOn(2) and b.buttonOn(4)) or (b.buttonOn(1) and b.buttonOn(3))) {
b.ledOn(3, 0, 255, 0); // Green
b.ledOn(9, 0, 255, 0); // Green
Particle.publish("sendSleep", "True", 60, PRIVATE);
// if we've looped through x times, fire off the webhook
if (loopCount >= 600){
Particle.publish("sendSleep", String(moveCount), 60, PRIVATE);
moveCount = 0;
loopCount = 0;
ledOldPos = ledPos;
// Wait a mo'
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