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Created September 12, 2014 12:29
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(ns clojure-async-example.
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan
go go-loop
<! >! >!! <!!
alts! alts!!
tap mult pub sub
(def max-n 100)
(defn run []
(let [ch (chan)
num (rand-int max-n)]
;; riddler
(go-loop [step 0]
(let [guess (<! ch)]
(< guess num) (do
(>! ch :greater)
(println "riddler: the number is greater than" guess)
(recur (inc step)))
(> guess num) (do
(>! ch :less)
(println "riddler: the number is less than" guess)
(recur (inc step)))
:else (do
(>! ch :ok)
(println "riddler: BINGO! after" step "steps, bye!")))))
;; guesser
(go-loop [guess (rand-int max-n)]
(>! ch guess)
(println "guesser:" guess)
(let [answer (<! ch)]
(case answer
:ok (println "guesser: bye!")
:less (recur (quot guess 2))
:greater (recur (+ guess 1)))))))
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