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Last active December 9, 2015 22:58
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Node notes
# my node AMI - IMAGE ami-bcccb2d5
on beanstalk, you can see node logs at /var/log/nodejs/nodejs.log
on beanstalk, if you proxy via nginx, check those logs here /var/log/nginx/error.log
proper way to make a mod to a repo and grab it with npm (
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Use npm to install the node via git://
# if you create a project in your local directory, you need to create a package.json
# file if you want to do local npm installs. otherwise it will go into the parent directory
# or some weird other place.
# it looks like this enables you to build an RPM for node.js.
# good tutorial-
# securing your ec2 instance -
# running node.js as a service forever -
# running node.js as a service using upstart -
# download linux binaries and decompress them into destination folder
# curl | tar xz --strip-components=1 --directory=/home/ec2-user/node
# environment vars are set from different places. first are those set in /etc/profile. after that, the /etc/profile.d is run and then the bash_p
# echo -e "export PATH=/home/ec2-user/node/bin:\$PATH\nexport NODE_PATH=/home/ec2-user/node/lib/node_modules" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
ec2-run-instances ami-1624987f -k KO_Keypair --instance-type m1.small -z us-east-1a
ec2-describe-instances | grep INSTANCE | grep running
# let's update this machine so that it has all of the latest software and security patches
sudo yum update
# let's grab all the dependencies we need to build and operate node
sudo yum install gcc-c++ make openssl-devel git
mkdir ~/node
cd ~/node
# let's download the most recent version of node and extract it into the ~/node directory
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1
# configure the build for this operating system and environment
# now we build node. grab some coffee. this will take a while.
# now we install it on this computer
sudo make install
# i'm going to cleanup the node directory now
sudo rm -rf ~/node
# save a named ami from a running instance -
ec2-create-image -n "AWS Linux 64-bit EBS with Node.js v0.10.13" i-YOUR_MACHINE_INSTANCE_HERE
# one blog suggested configuration this way to get node automatically on your path ./configure --prefix=/usr
# change routing to from port 80 to port 8000 or node
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8000
# user forever to run the service indefinitely
# a nice chat example using -
npm install forever -g
sudo /usr/local/bin/npm install forever -g
# install and run redis as a service on amazon
# shell script that will build and install redis as a service
# if you are using the bodyParser, you can do nested parameters like this...
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