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Forked from sordina/LifeFeedback.hs
Created September 28, 2013 11:19
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import System.MIDI
import System.MIDI.Utility
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Map hiding (filter, map)
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null)
type Coord = (Int,Int)
type State = Map Coord Bool
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hit ENTER to quit..."
launchpadOut <- selectOutputDevice (Just "Launchpad")
audioOut <- selectOutputDevice (Just "Bus 1")
launchpadIn <- selectInputDevice (Just "Launchpad")
launchpadSource <- openSource launchpadIn Nothing
launchpadDestination <- openDestination launchpadOut
audioDestination <- openDestination audioOut
start launchpadSource
state <- newIORef empty
chanA <- newChan
chanB <- newChan
chanC <- mergeChans [chanA, chanB]
chanD <- dupChan chanC
chanE <- dupChan chanD
chanF <- dupChan chanE
mapM_ forkIO [ processA chanA launchpadSource
, processB chanB state
, processC chanC launchpadDestination
, processD chanD state
, processE chanE audioDestination
, processF chanF
void getLine
stop launchpadSource
close launchpadSource
close launchpadDestination
close audioDestination
processA :: Chan MidiEvent -> Connection -> IO ()
processA c s = do
es <- getEvents s
writeList2Chan c (filter isOnEvent es)
threadDelay oneSplitSecond
processA c s
processB :: Chan MidiEvent -> IORef State -> IO ()
processB chanB state = do
previousState <- readIORef state
mapM_ (writeChan chanB) (coords >>= processB_cell previousState)
threadDelay oneSecond
processB chanB state
processB_cell :: State -> Coord -> [MidiEvent]
processB_cell previousState coord@(x,y) = if nextState == b then [] else [encodeEvent coord nextState]
nextState = rules b s
b = fromMaybe False $ lookup coord previousState
s = sum $ map (b2i . fromMaybe False . flip lookup previousState) neighbourhood
neighbourhood = [(mod (x+dx) limx , mod (y+dy) limy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1]]
processC :: Chan MidiEvent -> Connection -> IO ()
processC chanC launchpadDestination = mapChan chanC (send launchpadDestination . getMessage)
processD :: Chan MidiEvent -> IORef State -> IO ()
processD chanD state = mapChan chanD (updateFromMessage . getMessage)
updateFromMessage m = modifyIORef state (insert `uncurry` decodeMessage m)
processE :: Chan MidiEvent -> Connection -> IO ()
processE chanE audioDestination = mapChan chanE (send audioDestination . getMessage)
processF :: Chan MidiEvent -> IO ()
processF chanF = mapChan chanF print
-- Helpers
getMessage :: MidiEvent -> MidiMessage
getMessage (MidiEvent _ m) = m
encodeEvent :: Coord -> Bool -> MidiEvent
encodeEvent (x,y) True = MidiEvent 0 $ MidiMessage 1 (NoteOn (num x y) 127)
encodeEvent (x,y) False = MidiEvent 0 $ MidiMessage 1 (NoteOff (num x y) 64 )
isOnEvent :: MidiEvent -> Bool
isOnEvent (MidiEvent _ (MidiMessage _ (NoteOn _ _))) = True
isOnEvent _ = False
num :: Int -> Int -> Int
num x y = 16 * y + x
pos :: Int -> (Int, Int)
pos n = swap $ divMod n 16
decodeMessage :: MidiMessage -> (Coord,Bool)
decodeMessage (MidiMessage _ (NoteOn n _)) = (pos n, True)
decodeMessage (MidiMessage _ (NoteOff n _)) = (pos n, False)
decodeMessage _ = ((0,0), False)
limx :: Int
limx = 8
limy :: Int
limy = 8
coords :: [Coord]
coords = [(x,y) | x <- [0..limx-1], y <- [0..limy-1]]
oneSplitSecond :: Int
oneSplitSecond = 10000
oneSecond :: Int
oneSecond = 100000
-- Life
rules :: Bool -> Int -> Bool
rules True 3 = True
rules True 4 = True
rules False 3 = True
rules _ _ = False
b2i :: Bool -> Int
b2i True = 1
b2i _ = 0
-- Chans
mergeChans :: [Chan x] -> IO (Chan x)
mergeChans l = do
o <- newChan
mapM_ (forkIO . (getChanContents >=> writeList2Chan o)) l
return o
mapChan :: Chan a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
mapChan chan f = getChanContents chan >>= mapM_ f
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