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Created January 4, 2022 22:37
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import functools
import sys
AMPHIPODS = "".join(c for c in if c in "ABCD\n").strip().split("\n")
tuple([tuple(["."] * 11)] + [tuple(row[i] for row in amphipods) for i in range(4)])
for amphipods in AMPHIPODS
FORBIDDEN_BUFFER_POSITIONS = set(2 + i * 2 for i in range(4))
ROOMS = {chr(ord("A") + i): i for i in range(4)}
COSTS = {block: 10 ** room for block, room in ROOMS.items()}
def iter_possible_moves(state):
# move out blocks from rooms to buffer space
for room_idx, room in enumerate(state[1:]):
expected = chr(ord("A") + room_idx)
if not (set(room) - set([expected, "."])):
# no blocks to move from this room
# what are the possible positions in the buf space where we could put the blocks?
room_pos = 2 + room_idx * 2
left = right = room_pos
while left >= 0 and state[0][left] == ".":
left -= 1
while right < len(state[0]) and state[0][right] == ".":
right += 1
possible_positions = set(range(left + 1, right))
# never put blocks directly above the rooms
possible_positions -= FORBIDDEN_BUFFER_POSITIONS
# any spaces available?
if not possible_positions:
for depth, block in enumerate(room):
if block == ".":
step_cost = COSTS[block]
for pos in possible_positions:
steps = (depth + 1) + abs(room_pos - pos)
yield (room_idx + 1, depth), (0, pos), step_cost * steps
# only the first block from top can be moved
# put blocks back to rooms
for pos, block in enumerate(state[0]):
if block == ".":
room_idx = ROOMS[block]
if set(state[room_idx + 1]) - set([block, "."]):
# there are conflicting blocks in the room, they need to be removed first
room_pos = 2 + room_idx * 2
if pos < room_pos:
left, right = pos, room_pos
right, left = pos, room_pos
if any(state[0][i] != "." for i in range(left, right + 1) if i != pos):
# block in the way
# move possible!
depth = max(i for i, c in enumerate(state[room_idx + 1]) if c == ".")
step_cost = COSTS[block]
steps = (depth + 1) + abs(room_pos - pos)
yield (0, pos), (room_idx + 1, depth), step_cost * steps
def is_solved(state):
return all(c == "." for c in state[0]) and all(
set(room) == set([chr(ord("A") + room_idx)])
for room_idx, room in enumerate(state[1:])
def apply_move(state, src, dst):
src_room, src_pos = src
dst_room, dst_pos = dst
# there must be a cleaner way to do this!
state = [list(row) for row in state]
state[dst_room][dst_pos], state[src_room][src_pos] = state[src_room][src_pos], "."
return tuple(tuple(row) for row in state)
def draw(state):
for row in range(len(state[1])):
print(" " + " ".join(room[row] for room in state[1:]))
def solve(state):
if is_solved(state):
return 0
best_cost = float("Inf")
for src, dst, move_cost in iter_possible_moves(state):
if move_cost >= best_cost:
new_state = apply_move(state, src, dst)
cost = solve(new_state) + move_cost
if best_cost > cost:
best_cost = cost
return best_cost
for part, state in enumerate(PARTS, 1):
print(f"Solving part {part}:")
print(f"Min energy: {solve(state)}")
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