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Created September 11, 2008 00:05
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My previous email to you regarding the refund for
being incorrect was apparently leaked onto the internet. The resulting shift in temporal
phase has lead to some interesting changes. Most notably the "temporal blowback" still occurs,
however the tachyon field disintegration doesn't. Instead our instruments that come back with
us registered a 0.00121 milli-ampre increase in the anti-neutrino singularity. While this
may not sound like a lot, this small amount is enough to cause any number of strange
phenomenon. While it's unlikely the planet is actually physically destroyed, as it was in
the original time line, the resulting temporal ripples will undoubtly have a profound effect
on the future of humanity. Unfortunately as I'm currently stuck in the causality loop I have
no way to confirm this. So I'm asking for clarification on what your domain means... does it
mean physically destroying the planet (which had happened for three years) or simply the
decimation of the current civilization?
I await your reply as it has profound bearing on the status of my bank balance.. I would
also appreciate trying to keep this information more secure as we can little afford more
damage to the space-time continuum.
John Titor
CERN Specialist
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