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Last active September 3, 2020 18:52
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
auto loadSPIRV = [](const string &spirvPath) -> pair<uint8_t *, size_t> {
ifstream file(spirvPath, ios::ate | ios::binary);
return { nullptr, 0 };
size_t fileSize = (size_t)file.tellg();
uint8_t *data = new uint8_t[fileSize];
file.seekg(0); *)data, fileSize);
return { data, fileSize };
auto varName = [](string spirvPath) {
string ret;
for(auto c : spirvPath)
if(c == '.')
ret += '_';
ret += c;
return ret;
if(argc != 3)
return 1;
auto [data, sz] = loadSPIRV(argv[1]);
ofstream out(argv[2]);
return 1;
out << "/*spv2h for " << argv[1] << "*/" << endl << endl;
out << "static const uint8_t " << varName(argv[1]) << "[] = {";
for(size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(i % 40 == 0)
out << endl;
out << "\t" << hex << "0x" << (int)data[i] << ",";
out << endl;
out << "};" << endl << endl;
delete []data;
return 0;
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