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A script for quickly adding reminders to the Reminders app in Mountain Lion from Launchbar and Alfred. Save this as a .scpt and drop it in ~/Library/Application\ Support/LaunchBar/Actions
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--Script for setting Reminders for LaunchBar and Alfred | |
--For Alfred, Applescript must NOT be set to run in Background otherwise date parsing does not work | |
--For LaunchBar, place the script in ~/Library/Scripts/LaunchBar | |
--by Michelle L. Gill, 10/07/2012 | |
--Inspired by https://gist.github.com/3187630 | |
--A related Alfred version 2 workflow can be found here: https://github.com/mlgill/alfred-workflow-create-reminder | |
--Changes | |
--02/01/2013 * Fixed an issue with setting the time when the hour is 12 and AM/PM (12-hour clock) is used | |
-- * Removed the ability to set seconds for the time since Reminders doesn't recognize them | |
--02/02/2013 * Fixed a regression in setting the date when only the hour is present | |
-- * Added the ability to return information from the created reminder as a string for error checking. | |
-- * This returned string can be sent to Growl (if installed) to post a notification. For Alfred, the | |
-- option to post the returned string via Growl has been commented out by default | |
-- since the forthcoming version of Alfred will use this script via workflows and | |
-- they have their own method of notification posting. If you're using alfred version 1, | |
-- uncomment the appropriate line below. Note that posting notifications via Mountain Lion's | |
-- Notification Center is not possible without incorporating additional tools (an application). | |
-- I **DO NOT** plan to add notification center support to this script for this reason. (However, | |
-- notification support can be used within the workflows in Alfred 2. | |
--Notes on valid reminders | |
--Order of the text must be "title #note $list @date time" but note | |
--List is optional if a default is set within the script | |
--Time must be included, but date can be omitted and is assumed to be today | |
--Time can be in 12- or 24-hour format, and 24-hour format is assumed if am/pm are absent | |
--Time can be either just the hour or colon separated (hour:minute) | |
--Numerical dates are listed as month/day/year and year isn't required | |
--Relative dates such as "Today" and "Tomorrow" can be used, as well as days of the week | |
--Relative dates are case instensitive and can be abbreviated, i.e. "mon" for "Monday" | |
--If the day of the week is entered as "Sunday" and today is Sunday, 7 days from today will be returned | |
--"Next" can be added to relative dates return an additional seven days from the appropriate day of the week */ | |
--Examples of valid reminders: | |
--Buy Milk #note about milk $Personal @10/7/2012 5:00 PM | |
--Buy Milk #note about Milk @10/7/2012 5:00 PM | |
--Buy Milk $Personal @10/7/2012 5:00PM | |
--Buy Milk @10/7/2012 5:00 PM | |
--Buy Milk @10/7/12 5:00pm | |
--Buy Milk @10/7/12 5pm | |
--Buy Milk @10/7 5pm | |
--Buy Milk @Tomorrow 5pm | |
--Buy Milk @tomorrow 5pm | |
--Buy Milk @tom 5pm | |
--Buy Milk @Sunday 5pm this returns 10/14/2012 if today is Sunday, 10/7/2012 | |
--Buy Milk @sunday 5pm this returns 10/14/2012 if today is Sunday, 10/7/2012 | |
--Buy Milk @sun 5pm this returns 10/14/2012 if today is Sunday, 10/7/2012 | |
--Buy Milk @Next Sunday 5pm this returns 10/21/2012 if today is Sunday, 10/7/2012 | |
--Buy Milk @next sun 5pm this returns 10/21/2012 if today is Sunday, 10/7/2012 | |
--Buy Milk @today 17 this assumes time is in 24-hour format (i.e. 5pm) | |
--Buy Milk @today 5 this also assumes time is in 24-hour format (i.e. 5am) | |
--Buy Milk @5pm this also assumes time is in 12-hour format | |
--Buy Milk @5 this also assumes time is in 24-hour format (i.e. 5am) | |
--set this to the name of the default Reminders list | |
property myDefaultList : "Personal" | |
-- for Alfred | |
on alfred_script(str) | |
set theResultString to my parse_reminder_string(str) | |
-- uncomment the next line to post a growl notification for Alfred version 1 | |
-- post_growl_notification(theResultString) | |
end alfred_script | |
-- for LaunchBar | |
on handle_string(str) | |
set theResultString to my parse_reminder_string(str) | |
-- post growl notification if available | |
post_growl_notification(theResultString) | |
end handle_string | |
-- subroutines | |
on parse_reminder_string(str) | |
--separate the time string and get the value | |
set arrayWithDate to my theSplit(str, "@") | |
if arrayWithDate's length > 1 then | |
set theDate to my parseDate(getArrayValue(arrayWithDate, 2)) | |
end if | |
--separate the Reminders list name if present | |
set arrayWithListName to my theSplit(getArrayValue(arrayWithDate, 1), "$") | |
if arrayWithListName's length > 1 then | |
set listName to my getArrayValue(arrayWithListName, 2) as string | |
else | |
set listName to myDefaultList | |
end if | |
--separate the note for the reminder if present | |
set arrayWithBody to my theSplit(getArrayValue(arrayWithListName, 1), "#") | |
if arrayWithBody's length > 1 then | |
set reminderBody to my getArrayValue(arrayWithBody, 2) | |
else | |
set reminderBody to "" | |
end if | |
set reminderName to getArrayValue(arrayWithBody, 1) | |
tell application "Reminders" | |
try | |
set listName to list listName | |
set newReminder to make new reminder with properties {name:reminderName, container:listName, body:reminderBody, remind me date:theDate} | |
set theReminderIDString to id of newReminder as string | |
set theResultString to my get_reminder_data(theReminderIDString) | |
on error | |
--set newReminder to make new reminder with properties {name:reminderName, container:listName, body:reminderBody} | |
set theResultString to "There was an error creating the reminder." | |
end try | |
end tell | |
return theResultString | |
end parse_reminder_string | |
on theSplit(theString, theDelim) | |
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters | |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelim | |
set theArray to every text item of theString | |
set theTrimmedArray to {} | |
repeat with currentSplitString in theArray | |
if currentSplitString as string is not equal to "" then | |
set currentTrimmedString to trim(currentSplitString) | |
copy currentTrimmedString to the end of theTrimmedArray | |
end if | |
end repeat | |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters | |
return theTrimmedArray | |
end theSplit | |
on getArrayValue(array, location) | |
return item location in array | |
end getArrayValue | |
on parseDate(theDateStr) | |
-- todo: parsing pseudo-natural language date and time with applescript | |
-- is a pain and rife with special cases (bugs). should convert this | |
-- subroutine to python and use a real natural language parser. | |
set theDate to current date | |
set time of theDate to 0 | |
-- parse the time -- | |
-- applescript's text parsing seems very promiscuous | |
-- e.g. if letters end up part of the date, they are simply ignored rather than | |
-- producing an error. this is a lot of work to check for everything, so | |
-- it hasn't been implemented yet | |
-- first check for am/pm | |
set theDateStrOrig to theDateStr | |
set theDateStr to getArrayValue(theSplit(theDateStr, "am"), 1) as string | |
set theDateStr to getArrayValue(theSplit(theDateStr, "AM"), 1) as string | |
if theDateStrOrig is not in theDateStr then | |
set usesAM to true | |
else | |
set usesAM to false | |
end if | |
set theDateStrOrig to theDateStr | |
set theDateStr to getArrayValue(theSplit(theDateStr, "pm"), 1) as string | |
set theDateStr to getArrayValue(theSplit(theDateStr, "PM"), 1) as string | |
if theDateStrOrig is not in theDateStr then | |
set usesPM to true | |
else | |
set usesPM to false | |
end if | |
-- todo: should throw an error if usesPM and usesAM end up being true | |
-- split the string into date and time | |
set theDateTimeArray to theSplit(theDateStr, " ") | |
-- get the time, which is the last element of theDateTimeArray | |
set theTimeStr to getArrayValue(theDateTimeArray, -1) as string | |
set theTimeArray to theSplit(theTimeStr, ":") | |
-- get the time variables | |
set theHours to item 1 of theTimeArray | |
if theTimeArray's length > 1 then | |
set theMinutes to item 2 of theTimeArray | |
else | |
set theMinutes to 0 | |
end if | |
-- determine how to adjust the hours for am/pm | |
if (theHours as integer = 12) and usesAM then | |
set hoursAdjust to -12 | |
else if (theHours as integer ≠ 12) and usesPM then | |
set hoursAdjust to 12 | |
else | |
set hoursAdjust to 0 | |
end if | |
-- calculate the time | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + (theHours + hoursAdjust) * 3600 | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + theMinutes * 60 | |
-- now parse the date if present -- | |
if theDateTimeArray's length > 1 then | |
set theDateArray to items 1 thru -2 of theDateTimeArray | |
set theDateArrayLen to the count of items in theDateArray | |
-- first see if this is a relative date involving "next" | |
if theDateArrayLen = 2 then | |
set theRelativeDateStr to getArrayValue(theDateArray, 1) as string | |
set theWeekdayStr to getArrayValue(theDateArray, 2) as string | |
if "next" is in theRelativeDateStr then | |
-- setting forward 8 days which prevents one week from today being returned for "next sunday" if today is sunday | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + (8 * 24 * 3600) | |
end if | |
set theDate to getWeekday(theDate, theWeekdayStr) | |
else | |
-- look for backslashes to decide if this date is relative or numerical | |
set theDateArraySplit to theSplit(getArrayValue(theDateArray, 1), "/") | |
set theDateArraySplitLen to the count of items in theDateArraySplit | |
if theDateArraySplitLen = 1 then | |
-- relative date without "next", i.e. today, tomorrow, monday, etc. | |
set theRelativeDayStr to getArrayValue(theDateArraySplit, 1) as string | |
if "tod" is in theRelativeDayStr then | |
set theDate to theDate | |
else if "tom" is in theRelativeDayStr then | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + (24 * 3600) | |
else | |
-- this prevents today's date from being returned if current day of week is entered | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + (24 * 3600) | |
set theDate to getWeekday(theDate, theRelativeDayStr) | |
end if | |
else | |
-- numerical date | |
set month of theDate to (item 1 of theDateArraySplit) as integer | |
set day of theDate to (item 2 of theDateArraySplit) as integer | |
try | |
set theNewYear to (item 3 of theDateArraySplit) as integer | |
if theNewYear < 100 then | |
set theCurrentYear to (year of theDate) as integer | |
set theNewYear to theNewYear + ((theCurrentYear / 100) as integer) * 100 | |
end if | |
set year of theDate to theNewYear | |
end try | |
end if | |
end if | |
end if | |
return theDate | |
end parseDate | |
on get_reminder_data(reminderIDString) | |
tell application "Reminders" | |
-- get the reminder reference | |
set theReminder to reminder id reminderIDString | |
-- get the reminder properties | |
set theRemProps to properties of theReminder | |
-- get the list properties | |
set theListProps to properties of container of theReminder | |
-- title, due date, note from reminder properties | |
set theTitle to name of theRemProps | |
set theDueDate to due date of theRemProps | |
set theNote to body of theRemProps | |
-- list name from list properties | |
set theListName to name of theListProps | |
end tell | |
-- create a string with info | |
set theString to "Created Reminder '" & theTitle & "' on list '" & theListName & "' due on " & theDueDate | |
if theNote is not "" then | |
set theString to theString & " with note '" & theNote & "'" | |
end if | |
set theString to theString & "." | |
return theString | |
end get_reminder_data | |
on post_growl_notification(theString) | |
-- crap that Growl needs before it will post a reminder | |
set allNotificationsList to {"Create Reminder Result"} | |
set enabledNotificationsList to {"Create Reminder Result"} | |
try | |
tell application "Growl" | |
register as application ¬ | |
"Create Reminder" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬ | |
default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬ | |
icon of application "Reminders" | |
notify with name ¬ | |
"Create Reminder Result" title ¬ | |
"Create Reminder Result" description ¬ | |
theString application name "Create Reminder" | |
end tell | |
end try | |
end post_growl_notification | |
on getWeekday(theDate, theWeekdayStr) | |
repeat until theWeekdayStr is in ((weekday of theDate) as string) | |
set time of theDate to (time of theDate) + (24 * 3600) | |
end repeat | |
return theDate | |
end getWeekday | |
on trim(someText) | |
-- trimming subroutine from: http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=18519 | |
repeat until someText does not start with " " | |
set someText to text 2 thru -1 of someText | |
end repeat | |
repeat until someText does not end with " " | |
set someText to text 1 thru -2 of someText | |
end repeat | |
return someText | |
end trim |
I forked and edited this to prevent an endless loop I was hitting when the date string returned by google calendar's IFTTT channel which I was trying to parse, did not have a day of the week in the string. Not sure if my edit is the most comprehensive, but it solved my problem:
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This sounds awesome, but I have some problems getting it to work. I installed it in Alfred 2 but it won't run when I enter e.g.: Køb mælk $Personal @Tomorrow 4pm
What am I doing wrong?