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Last active January 2, 2016 13:39
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Save mlgill/8311140 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
image_joiner: iOS (Pythonista) and Mac OS X, joins two images horizontally or vertically
import sys, Image, math
# Join two images together, either horizontally or vertically,
# with resizing to match joined dimension. Works on Mac OS X or iOS.
# On Mac OS X, the Python Imaging Library is required
# On iOS, Pythonista is required
# Michelle L. Gill, 2014/01/20
# Padding and borders
padding = 10
border = 10
# Background color
bkgcolor = (255,255,255)
transparency = (255,)
# Are we on Mac ('darwin') or iOS ('unknown')
platform = sys.platform
if platform == 'darwin':
# Get the files on Mac
import subprocess as sp
# The applescript command to open dialog boxes for file selection
# A second file dialog will open if only one file is selected--this allows for files in different directories
# If more than two files are selected, only the first two are taken
cmd = """set theFileList to choose file with prompt "Choose both images if in the same directory or choose the second later." with multiple selections allowed
if (number of items in theFileList is 1) then
set theFileList2 to choose file with prompt "Choose second image."
copy theFileList2 to the end of theFileList
end if
if (number of items in theFileList is greater than 2) then
set theFileList to items 1 through 2 of theFileList
end if
set theFileListPath to {}
repeat with theFileAlias in theFileList
set theFileTmp to "'" & (the POSIX path of theFileAlias) & "'"
copy theFileTmp to the end of theFileListPath
end repeat
# Run the applescript command and get the output
proc = sp.Popen(['osascript', '-'], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE)
stdout = proc.communicate(cmd)
# Somtimes this list needs to be cleaned up because there is a stray None at the end
fileString = [x.strip() for x in stdout if x is not None][0]
# Split the string by looking for this: ', '
# Assumes this string doesn't occur in file name
fileList = fileString.split('\', \'')
# Remove remaining single quote
fileList[0] = fileList[0][1:]
fileList[1] = fileList[-1][:-1]
# Open the files
im1 =[0])
im2 =[1])
# On iOS copy the files to the clipboard before running the script
import clipboard
import photos
# Get the images from the clipboard
#im1 = clipboard.get_image(idx=0)
#im2 = clipboard.get_image(idx=1)
im1 = photos.pick_image()
im2 = photos.pick_image()
# Determine stacking type and order
print 'Are images to be stacked [v]ertically or [h]orizontally?'
stacktype = raw_input('Enter selection [v|h]:').strip().lower()
if stacktype == 'h':
print 'Does the first image go on the [l]eft or on the [r]ight?'
ordertype = raw_input('Enter selection [l|r]:').strip().lower()
print 'Does the first image go on the [t]op or on the [b]ottom?'
ordertype = raw_input('Enter selection [t|b]:').strip().lower()
# Determine border and padding
print 'Set padding between images in pixels.'
padding_str = raw_input('Enter value or leave blank for 0:').strip()
if len(padding_str) > 0:
padding = abs(int(padding_str))
print 'Set border around combined image in pixels.'
border_str = raw_input('Enter value or leave blank for 0:').strip()
if len(border_str) > 0:
border = abs(int(border_str))
# Set background color if there is a border or padding
### TODO: This is transparency not color, fix this
colordict = {'w':(255,255,255), 'b':(0,0,0)}
bkgcolor_str = 'w'
if (padding > 0) or (border > 0):
print 'Choose background color of [w]hite or [b]lack.'
bkgcolor_str = raw_input('Enter selection [w|b]:').strip().lower()
if bkgcolor_str not in colordict.keys():
bkgcolor_str = 'w'
bkgcolor = colordict[bkgcolor_str]
# Set transparency
if (padding >0) or (border>0):
print 'Set transparency percentage.'
transparency_str = raw_input('Enter percentage from 0 (opaque) to 100 (transparent):').strip()
transparency = int(float(255)*(100-float(transparency_str)))
if transparency < 0:
transparency = 0
if transparency > 255:
transparency = 255
transparency = tuple([transparency])
# Setup a list of the images and of their dimensions
if (ordertype == 'l') or (ordertype == 't'):
imlist = [im1, im2]
imlist = [im2, im1]
imdim = [list(x.size) for x in imlist]
# Scale larger figure if necessary
if stacktype == 'h':
scalelist = [x[1] for x in imdim]
scalelist = [x[0] for x in imdim]
if abs(scalelist[0] - scalelist[1]) > 0:
scaleratio = float(min(scalelist))/float(max(scalelist))
if scalelist[0] > scalelist[1]:
scalenum = 0
scalenum = 1
# Calculate the resized dimensions and shrink the appropriate image
imdim[scalenum] = [int(float(x)*scaleratio) for x in imdim[scalenum]]
imlist[scalenum] = imlist[scalenum].resize(tuple(imdim[scalenum]), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Calculate dimensions of the new image and create it
if stacktype == 'h':
newdims = (sum([x[0] for x in imdim])+(padding+2*border), max([x[1] for x in imdim])+(2*border))
newdims = (max([x[0] for x in imdim])+int(2*border), sum([x[1] for x in imdim])+(padding+2*border))
newimage ='RGBA', newdims, bkgcolor+transparency)
# Add the two original images to the joined one
if stacktype == 'h':
if platform == 'darwin':
# Save image to a tmp file
filename = '/var/tmp/image.jpg'
fh = open(filename,'w'), 'JPEG', quality=90)
# View the file using default image viewer
proc = sp.Popen(['/bin/sh','-'], stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE)
stdout = proc.communicate('open '+ filename)
# Save image to clipboard
# View the file
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