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Last active October 5, 2019 18:18
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TypeScript uMVC based on <>
abstract class Observer {
abstract update(data?: any): void
abstract class Observable {
protected _observers: Observer[] = []
observe(observer: Observer) {
if (this._observers.indexOf(observer) > -1)
throw new Error('Observer already added')
unobserve(observer: Observer) {
if (this._observers.indexOf(observer) == -1)
throw new Error('Observer does not exist')
this._observers = this._observers.filter(o => o === observer)
notify(data: any) {
// copy array before update in case one of the updates modifies the array
this._observers.slice(0).forEach(o => o.update(data))
abstract class Model extends Observable {}
abstract class View extends Observer {
protected _parent?: View
protected _subViews: View[] = []
constructor(protected _model: Model, protected _controller: Controller) {
getController() {
return this._controller
getModel() {
return this._model
setModel(model: Model) {
this._setModelAndController(model, this._controller)
setController(controller: Controller) {
this._setModelAndController(this._model, controller)
protected _setModelAndController(model: Model, controller: Controller) {
if (this._model !== model) {
this._model = model
this._controller = controller
getSubViews() {
return new Array(this._subViews)
addSubView(subView: View) {
var previousSuperView = subView.getSuperView()
if (previousSuperView)
removeSubView(subView: View) {
this._subViews = this._subViews.filter(s => {
if(s === subView)
return s !== subView
setParent(parent?: View) {
this._parent = parent
getSuperView() {
return this._parent
destroy() {
this._subViews.forEach(s => s.destroy())
abstract class Controller {
protected _model?: Model
protected _view?: View
getModel(): Model | undefined {
return this._model
setModel(model?: Model) {
this._model = model
getView(): View | undefined {
return this._view
setView(view?: View) {
this._view = view
export {Model, View, Controller}
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Very nice example!

While copying into my notebook, I noticed 2 tiny errors. Line 31: misleading indentation. Line 76: missing underscore in '_subViews'.

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Line 8: arrow function missing logical not.

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mlhaufe commented Oct 5, 2019

Thanks for the comment. I've changed the implementation to TypeScript to make the usage clearer. You can compile this to the version of JavaScript desired here.

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