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Created March 4, 2022 12:33
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Simple LaTeX code for drawing playing-card like rectangles with numbers
% Copyright 2019 Magnus Lie Hetland
/tikzcards/.new family,
width/.new length = 2.5in,
height/.new length = 3.5in,
corner radius/.new length = .125in,
margin/.new length = .1875in,
scale/.new value = 1,
angle/.new value = 0,
value/.new value,
flip/.new toggle,
back color/.new value = black!25,
text color/.new value = black,
jitter/.new toggle,
inner margin/.new length = .1875in,
draw slot/.new toggle,
draw card/.new toggle = true,
dim/.new style = [black!20]{text color = #1},
seed/.new cmd = \pgfmathsetseed{#1} % Note: Just sets the global seed
\newcommand{\cardset}[1]{\options{/tikzcards, #1}}
\letoption{/tikzcards/inner margin}\innermargin
\iftoggle{/tikzcards/jitter} {
\tikzmath {
\angle = \angle + 5*rand;
\xoff = 5*rand;
\yoff = 5*rand;
\tikzmath {
\xoff = 0;
\yoff = 0;
\bigtextscale = \scale * 18;
\smalltextscale = \scale * 3.5;
\iftoggle{/tikzcards/draw slot}{
\foreach \xsign in {-1,1} {
\foreach \ysign in {-1,1} {
\draw (\xsign*.5\width + \xsign*.5\margin,
\ysign*.5\height + \ysign*.5\margin -\ysign*2\margin)
-- ++(0,\ysign*2\margin) -- ++(-\xsign*2\margin,0)
\draw (0,0) node
% For the bounding box -- the card itself is drawn as an overlay:
\path (-.5\width,-.5\height) rectangle +(\width, \height);
% Jitter the card (but not the slot):
\begin{scope}[xshift = \xoff pt, yshift = \yoff pt]
\iftoggle{/tikzcards/draw card}{
\draw[very thin,
rounded corners=\scale * \option{/tikzcards/corner radius}]
(-.5\width,-.5\height) rectangle +(\width, \height);
\fill[\option{/tikzcards/back color}]
(-.5\width + \margin, -.5\height + \margin)
rectangle (.5\width - \margin, .5\height - \margin)
\draw[white, line width = \scale*6pt]
(-.5\width + \margin + \innermargin + .5\pgflinewidth,
-.5\height + \margin + \innermargin + .5\pgflinewidth)
(.5\width - \margin - \innermargin - .5\pgflinewidth,
.5\height - \margin - \innermargin - .5\pgflinewidth)
\draw (0,0) node[rotate=\angle,\option{/tikzcards/text color}]
\draw (-.5\width, .5\height) +(+\margin, -\margin)
node[inner sep=0, anchor=north west, rotate=\angle,
\option{/tikzcards/text color}]
\draw (.5\width, -.5\height) +(-\margin, +\margin)
node[inner sep=0, anchor=north west, rotate={\angle+180},
\option{/tikzcards/text color}]
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