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Created April 9, 2023 00:19
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package main
import (
var cache sync.Map
func main() {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":6380")
if err != nil {
log.Println("Listening on tcp://")
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
log.Println("New connection", conn)
if err != nil {
go startSession(conn)
// startSession handles the client's session. Parses and executes commands and writes
// responses back to the client.
func startSession(conn net.Conn) {
defer func() {
log.Println("Closing connection", conn)
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Println("Recovering from error", err)
p := NewParser(conn)
for {
cmd, err := p.command()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error", err)
conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR " + err.Error() + "\r\n"))
if !cmd.handle() {
// Parser contains the logic to read from a raw tcp connection and parse commands.
type Parser struct {
conn net.Conn
r *bufio.Reader
// Used for inline parsing
line []byte
pos int
// NewParser returns a new Parser that reads from the given connection.
func NewParser(conn net.Conn) *Parser {
return &Parser{
conn: conn,
r: bufio.NewReader(conn),
line: make([]byte, 0),
pos: 0,
func (p *Parser) current() byte {
if p.atEnd() {
return '\r'
return p.line[p.pos]
func (p *Parser) advance() {
func (p *Parser) atEnd() bool {
return p.pos >= len(p.line)
// consumeString reads a string argument from the current line.
func (p *Parser) consumeString() (s []byte, err error) {
for p.current() != '"' && !p.atEnd() {
cur := p.current()
next := p.current()
if cur == '\\' && next == '"' {
s = append(s, '"')
} else {
s = append(s, cur)
if p.current() != '"' {
return nil, errors.New("unbalanced quotes in request")
// consumeArg reads an argument from the current line.
func (p *Parser) consumeArg() (s string, err error) {
for p.current() == ' ' {
if p.current() == '"' {
buf, err := p.consumeString()
return string(buf), err
for !p.atEnd() && p.current() != ' ' && p.current() != '\r' {
s += string(p.current())
func (p *Parser) readLine() ([]byte, error) {
line, err := p.r.ReadBytes('\r')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := p.r.ReadByte(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return line[:len(line)-1], nil
// Command implements the behavior of the commands.
type Command struct {
args []string
conn net.Conn
// respArray parses a RESP array and returns a Command. Returns an error when there's
// a problem reading from the connection.
func (p *Parser) respArray() (Command, error) {
cmd := Command{}
elementsStr, err := p.readLine()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
elements, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(elementsStr))
log.Println("Elements", elements)
for i := 0; i < elements; i++ {
tp, err := p.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
switch tp {
case ':':
arg, err := p.readLine()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd.args = append(cmd.args, string(arg))
case '$':
arg, err := p.readLine()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
length, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(arg))
text := make([]byte, 0)
for i := 0; len(text) <= length; i++ {
line, err := p.readLine()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
text = append(text, line...)
cmd.args = append(cmd.args, string(text[:length]))
case '*':
next, err := p.respArray()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
cmd.args = append(cmd.args, next.args...)
return cmd, nil
// inline parses an inline message and returns a Command. Returns an error when there's
// a problem reading from the connection or parsing the command.
func (p *Parser) inline() (Command, error) {
// skip initial whitespace if any
for p.current() == ' ' {
cmd := Command{conn: p.conn}
for !p.atEnd() {
arg, err := p.consumeArg()
if err != nil {
return cmd, err
if arg != "" {
cmd.args = append(cmd.args, arg)
return cmd, nil
// command parses and returns a Command.
func (p *Parser) command() (Command, error) {
b, err := p.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return Command{}, err
if b == '*' {
log.Println("resp array")
return p.respArray()
} else {
line, err := p.readLine()
if err != nil {
return Command{}, err
p.pos = 0
p.line = append([]byte{}, b)
p.line = append(p.line, line...)
return p.inline()
// handle Executes the command and writes the response. Returns false when the connection should be closed.
func (cmd Command) handle() bool {
switch strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[0]) {
case "GET":
return cmd.get()
case "SET":
return cmd.set()
case "DEL":
return cmd.del()
case "QUIT":
return cmd.quit()
log.Println("Command not supported", cmd.args[0])
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR unknown command '" + cmd.args[0] + "'\r\n"))
return true
// get Fetches a key from the cache if exists.
func (cmd Command) get() bool {
if len(cmd.args) != 2 {
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
return true
log.Println("Handle GET")
val, _ := cache.Load(cmd.args[1])
if val != nil {
res, _ := val.(string)
if strings.HasPrefix(res, "\"") {
res, _ = strconv.Unquote(res)
log.Println("Response length", len(res))
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8(fmt.Sprintf("$%d\r\n", len(res))))
cmd.conn.Write(append([]uint8(res), []uint8("\r\n")...))
} else {
return true
// set Stores a key and value on the cache. Optionally sets expiration on the key.
func (cmd Command) set() bool {
if len(cmd.args) < 3 || len(cmd.args) > 6 {
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
return true
log.Println("Handle SET")
log.Println("Value length", len(cmd.args[2]))
if len(cmd.args) > 3 {
pos := 3
option := strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[pos])
switch option {
case "NX":
log.Println("Handle NX")
if _, ok := cache.Load(cmd.args[1]); ok {
return true
case "XX":
log.Println("Handle XX")
if _, ok := cache.Load(cmd.args[1]); !ok {
return true
if len(cmd.args) > pos {
if err := cmd.setExpiration(pos); err != nil {
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR " + err.Error() + "\r\n"))
return true
cache.Store(cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2])
return true
// del Deletes a key from the cache.
func (cmd *Command) del() bool {
count := 0
for _, k := range cmd.args[1:] {
if _, ok := cache.LoadAndDelete(k); ok {
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8(fmt.Sprintf(":%d\r\n", count)))
return true
// quit Used in interactive/inline mode, instructs the server to terminate the connection.
func (cmd *Command) quit() bool {
if len(cmd.args) != 1 {
cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
return true
log.Println("Handle QUIT")
return false
// setExpiration Handles expiration when passed as part of the 'set' command.
func (cmd Command) setExpiration(pos int) error {
option := strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[pos])
value, _ := strconv.Atoi(cmd.args[pos+1])
var duration time.Duration
switch option {
case "EX":
duration = time.Second * time.Duration(value)
case "PX":
duration = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(value)
return fmt.Errorf("expiration option is not valid")
go func() {
log.Printf("Handling '%s', sleeping for %v\n", option, duration)
return nil
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