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Last active October 14, 2020 06:25
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Save mlin/3ad81f01efa640a52813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Suggested best practices for DNAnexus workflow development & continuous integration
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Initializes a git repository with some suggested best practices for DNAnexus
# workflow development & continuous integration. Run in the root
# of your git repository; it creates the following, which you should then
# customize as you like:
# applets/hello-world
# Trivial applet template which you can build on or copy.
# A script that builds all the applets under applets/ then builds a workflow
# from the applets and optionally launches tests on it. The template builds a
# trivial workflow using the hello-world applet.
# Runs the workflow on test inputs - normally invoked by
# ./ --run-tests
# DNAnexus platform project for continuous integration of the workflow
# It has the following structure:
# /builds/ - by default builds the applets and workflow
# into a subfolder named based on timestamp and git revision
# /assets/ - holds large and/or slow-evolving files or other data that may
# be used as bound inputs in the workflow.
# /test-data/ - files or other data that may be used in workflow test cases.
# Assets and test data should never be deleted, but moved into the respective
# 'old' subfolder when no longer actively used. This ensures that all historical
# versions of the workflow remain working. A git_revision property is set on the
# workflow and applets.
# .travis.yml
# Travis CI script that installs dx and then runs --run-tests
# A Travis CI secure environment variable with your DNAnexus auth token must be
# added for this to work. Exact instructions will be shown when you run
# The Travis CI integration is optional; you can always just run
# ./ --run-tests
# locally instead.
from __future__ import print_function
import dxpy
import argparse
import os
import sys
import errno
files_to_create = [
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Initialize a git repository for DNAnexus workflow development & continuous integration.")
argparser.add_argument("--name", help="workflow name (default: current directory name)")
argparser.add_argument("--project", help="DNAnexus project ID for continuous integration (default: create a new project)")
argparser.add_argument("--force", help="Overwrite existing local files", action="store_true", default=False)
args = argparser.parse_args()
# ensure we're in a git repository
if not os.path.isdir(".git"):
print("The current directory should be the root of a git repository. Aborting.", file=sys.stderr)
# ensure we're not going to clobber any existing files
if not args.force:
for fn in files_to_create:
if os.path.exists(fn):
print("Local file {} already exists. Aborting.".format(fn), file=sys.stderr)
# detect current directory name
if not = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[1]
print("Workflow name: " +
# create the DNAnexus project for continuous integration
if not args.project:
args.project = dxpy.api.project_new({"name": "dx-ci-{}".format(})["id"]
project = dxpy.DXProject(args.project)
# generate local applet and workflow source
generate_build_workflow_py(, project)
Initialized templates for DNAnexus workflow continuous integration; modify
them so that './ --run-tests' does everything you'd like.
If this is a GitHub repository, you can complete Travis CI setup with these
1. Enable this repository in Travis CI's Accounts settings.
2. Create a long-lived DNAnexus auth token with CONTRIBUTE access to the
continuous integration project (xxxx).
3. Run 'travis encrypt DX_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxx --add' here.
('gem install travis' first, if needed)
4. Commit the modified .travis.yml and push everything to GitHub.
Travis CI integration is optional; you can always just run
./ --run-tests
locally instead.
def initialize_project(project):
project.new_folder("/builds", parents=True)
project.new_folder("/assets/old", parents=True)
project.new_folder("/test-data/old", parents=True)
print("Initialized DNAnexus project: {} ({})".format(project.describe()["name"], project.get_id()))
def generate_applet():
# create hello-world applet source
with open("applets/hello-world/dxapp.json", "w") as dxapp_json:
print(hello_world_dxapp_json, file=dxapp_json)
with open("applets/hello-world/src/", "w") as code_sh:
print(hello_world_code_sh, file=code_sh)
print("Generated example applet in ./applets/hello-world")
hello_world_dxapp_json = """{
"name": "hello-world",
"dxapi": "1.0.0",
"version": "0.0.1",
"inputSpec": [
"name": "infile",
"class": "file",
"optional": true
"outputSpec": [
"name": "outfile",
"class": "file"
"runSpec": {
"interpreter": "bash",
"file": "src/",
"execDepends": [
"systemRequirements": {
"main": {
"instanceType": "mem2_hdd2_x2"
"authorizedUsers": []
main() {
set -ex -o pipefail
# dx-download-all-inputs --parallel
if [ -n "$infile" ]; then
dx cat "$infile" > /dev/null
mkdir -p out/outfile
echo "Hello, world!" > out/outfile/hello-world.txt
# dx-upload-all-outputs --parallel
outfile=$(cat out/outfile/hello-world.txt | dx upload --destination "hello-world.txt" --brief -)
dx-jobutil-add-output outfile "$outfile" --class=file
def generate_build_workflow_py(name, project):
with open("", "w") as build_workflow_py:
src = build_workflow_py_template.replace("<<NAME>>",name).replace("<<PROJECT>>",project.get_id())
print(src, file=build_workflow_py)
print("Generated ./")
build_workflow_py_template = """#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import dxpy
import argparse
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import json
import time
here = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
git_revision = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always", "--dirty", "--tags"], cwd=here).strip()
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Build <<NAME>> workflow on DNAnexus.")
argparser.add_argument("--project", help="DNAnexus project ID", default="<<PROJECT>>")
argparser.add_argument("--folder", help="Folder within project (default: timestamp/git-based)", default=None)
argparser.add_argument("--run-tests", help="Execute on the new workflow", action='store_true')
argparser.add_argument("--run-tests-no-wait", help="Execute --no-wait", action='store_true')
args = argparser.parse_args()
# set up environment
if args.folder is None:
args.folder = time.strftime("/builds/%Y-%m-%d/%H%M%S-") + git_revision
project = dxpy.DXProject(args.project)
applets_folder = args.folder + "/applets"
print("project: {} ({})".format(, args.project))
print("folder: {}".format(args.folder))
# build the applets
build_applets(project, applets_folder)
# build the workflow
wf = build_workflow(project, args.folder, applets_folder)
print("workflow: {} ({})".format(, wf.get_id()))
# run the tests if desired
if args.run_tests_no_wait is True or args.run_tests is True:
cmd = "python {} --project {} --workflow {}".format(os.path.join(here, ""),
project.get_id(), wf.get_id())
if args.run_tests_no_wait is True:
cmd = cmd + " --no-wait"
sys.exit(, shell=True, cwd=here))
def build_applets(project, applets_folder):
here_applets = os.path.join(here, "applets")
applet_dirs = [os.path.join(here_applets,dir) for dir in os.listdir(here_applets)]
applet_dirs = [dir for dir in applet_dirs if os.path.isdir(dir)]
project.new_folder(applets_folder, parents=True)
for applet_dir in applet_dirs:
build_cmd = ["dx","build","--destination",project.get_id()+":"+applets_folder+"/",applet_dir]
print(" ".join(build_cmd))
applet_dxid = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(build_cmd))["id"]
applet = dxpy.DXApplet(applet_dxid, project=project.get_id())
applet.set_properties({"git_revision": git_revision})
def build_workflow(project, folder, applets_folder):
# helper functions to get handles to stuff in the continuous integration
# project: applets (which were just built) and slowly-evolving assets
# (from the /assets folder -- typically large files used as bound inputs
# in the workflow, e.g. reference genomes)
def find_applet(applet_name):
return dxpy.find_one_data_object(classname='applet', name=applet_name,
project=project.get_id(), folder=applets_folder,
zero_ok=False, more_ok=False, return_handler=True)
def find_asset(asset_name, classname="file"):
return dxpy.find_one_data_object(classname=classname, name=asset_name,
project=project.get_id(), folder="/assets",
zero_ok=False, more_ok=False, return_handler=True)
def find_app(app_handle):
return dxpy.find_one_app(name=app_handle, zero_ok=False, more_ok=False, return_handler=True)
# create the workflow object
wf = dxpy.new_dxworkflow(title="<<NAME>>",
properties={"git_revision": git_revision})
# set up the workflow stages, chaining outputs/inputs together as needed
hello_world1_input = {
# "infile": dxpy.dxlink(find_asset("myfile").get_id())
hello_world1_stage_id = wf.add_stage(find_applet("hello-world"), name="hello-world1",
hello_world2_input = {
"infile": dxpy.dxlink({"stage": hello_world1_stage_id, "outputField": "outfile"})
hello_world2_stage_id = wf.add_stage(find_applet("hello-world"), name="hello-world2",
return wf
if __name__ == '__main__':
def generate_run_tests_py(name):
with open("", "w") as run_tests_py:
src = run_tests_py_template.replace("<<NAME>>",name)
print(src, file=run_tests_py)
print("Generated ./")
run_tests_py_template = """#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import dxpy
import argparse
import sys
import os
import subprocess
def main():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run tests for the <<NAME>> workflow. This should normally be invoked indirectly, through ./ --run-tests")
argparser.add_argument("--project", help="DNAnexus project ID", required=True)
argparser.add_argument("--workflow", help="Workflow ID (must reside in the project)", required=True)
argparser.add_argument("--folder", help="Folder in which to place outputs (default: test/ subfolder of workflow's folder)")
argparser.add_argument("--no-wait", help="Exit immediately after launching tests", action="store_true", default=False)
args = argparser.parse_args()
project = dxpy.DXProject(args.project)
workflow = dxpy.DXWorkflow(project=project.get_id(), dxid=args.workflow)
if args.folder is None:
args.folder = os.path.join(workflow.describe()["folder"], "test")
print("test folder: " + args.folder)
def find_test_data(name, classname="file"):
return dxpy.find_one_data_object(classname=classname, name=name,
project=project.get_id(), folder="/test-data",
zero_ok=False, more_ok=False, return_handler=True)
test_analyses = run_test_analyses(project, args.folder, workflow, find_test_data)
print("test analyses: " + ", ".join([a.get_id() for a in test_analyses]))
if args.no_wait != True:
print("awaiting completion...")
# wait for analysis to finish while working around Travis 10m console inactivity timeout
noise = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-c", "while true; do sleep 60; date; done"])
for test_analysis in test_analyses:
# TODO: validate the test analysis results in some way
def run_test_analyses(project, folder, workflow, find_test_data):
# test cases: one or more named input hashes to run the workflow with
test_inputs = {
"test1": {
# "hello-world1.infile": dxpy.dxlink(find_test_data("myfile").get_id())
# other test inputs could go here...
# The tests might only need smaller instance types than the applet
# defaults (reduces cost of running tests).
stage_instance_types = {
# "hello-world1": "mem2_hdd2_x1"
git_revision = workflow.describe(incl_properties=True)["properties"]["git_revision"]
analyses = []
for test_name, test_input in test_inputs.iteritems():
test_folder = os.path.join(folder, test_name)
project.new_folder(test_folder, parents=True)
analyses.append(, project=project.get_id(), folder=test_folder,
name="<<NAME>> {} {}".format(test_name, git_revision)))
return analyses
if __name__ == '__main__':
def generate_travis_yml():
with open(".travis.yml", "w") as outfile:
print(travis_yml, file=outfile)
# TODO: it would be nice to do 'travis encrypt DX_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxx'
# automatically. However the repository has to be switched ON in Travis
# before that command will work.
print("Generated .travis.yml")
travis_yml = """language: python
- 2.7
# prevent travis from doing pip install requirements.txt
install: true
# disable Travis default virtualenv
- deactivate
# deploy dx-toolkit
- wget
- tar zxf dx-toolkit-current-ubuntu-12.04-amd64.tar.gz
- source dx-toolkit/environment
# execute workflow builder script
- python --run-tests
def mkdir_p(path):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
else: raise
def make_executable(path):
mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
mode |= (mode & 0444) >> 2 # copy R bits to X
os.chmod(path, mode)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy link

Thank you for putting this up - it has been very useful for my current project. Just wanted to note that DNA Nexus now needs the distribution and release specifying in the runSpec section of the dxapp.json file for each app. To get the HelloWorld example working I had to add the following to the runSpec section of the applets/hello-world/dxapp.json:

"distribution": "Ubuntu",
"release": "14.04",

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