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Created May 8, 2013 08:06
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Add license header to each groovy file in a folder using a groovy script
import static*
import static*
def headerFile = new File("/home/markus/Projects/olf_gpl3_license.txt")
def headerLines = headerFile.readLines()
def sourcebase = new File("/home/markus/Projects/OpenLabFramework")
type : FILES,
nameFilter : ~/.*\.groovy/,
preDir : { if ( == '.svn' || == '.idea' || == '.git') return SKIP_SUBTREE }
) { f ->
def lines = f.readLines()
if (lines.size() < headerLines.size()) println "$ rejected: insufficient size"
for (int i in 0..<headerLines.size()) {
if (!(lines[i] ==~ headerLines[i])) {
println "Mismatch at line ${i+1} of $f.canonicalPath\n expect:${headerLines[i]}\n actual:${lines[i]}"
println "Adding file header..."
f.text = headerFile.text + f.text
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