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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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tpr lab01
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
comm_type = 0 # synchronous (SSend)
# comm_type = 1 # buffered (BSend)
payload = 1 # just one byte for latency tests
pings = 20000 # each node sends 10k messages
test_program = './'
# test_program = './ping_pong.o'
def run_test():
## sometimes fails on vnode-01 with error:
## mpiexec_vnode-01 (mpiexec 392): no msg recvd from mpd when expecting ack of request
process = subprocess.Popen([
'-machinefile', './mpihosts',
'-n', '2',
], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return map( float, process.communicate()[0].split() )
return None
for __ in xrange(4):
result = run_test()
if result is not None:
result = map( lambda r: r / (pings/2), result )
print ' '.join( map(str, result) )
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
comm_type = 0 # synchronous (SSend)
# comm_type = 1 # buffered (BSend)
nodes = 5 # N nodes in the cluster
cycles = 1 # repeat N times
test_program = './'
# test_program = './token_ring.o'
def run_test(payload):
## sometimes fails on vnode-01 with error:
## mpiexec_vnode-01 (mpiexec 392): no msg recvd from mpd when expecting ack of request
process = subprocess.Popen([
'-machinefile', './mpihosts',
'-n', str(nodes),
], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return map( float, process.communicate()[0].split() )
return None
# test_data = [10**n for n in xrange(9)] # 1B to 100MB
# test_data = [100000 * x for x in xrange(100)]
# 1B to 1MB, 5MB, 10MB, 15MB, ..., 200MB
# test_data = [10**n for n in xrange(7)] + [n * 5 * 10**6 for n in xrange(1,41) ]
test_data = [mbyte*10**6 for mbyte in [1] + [n*10 for n in xrange(1,21)] ]
for __ in xrange(4):
for data_size in test_data:
result = run_test(data_size)
if result is not None:
result = map( lambda r: r / cycles, result )
print ' '.join( map(str, [data_size] + result) )
#!/usr/bin/env python
## example: send 1MB 10 times using SSend
## mpiexec -n 2 ./ 0 10 1000000
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import sys
get_arg = lambda n, default: int(sys.argv[n]) if n < len(sys.argv) else default
type = get_arg(1, 0) # 0: SSend, 1: BSend
pings = get_arg(2, 10) # ping N times
payload = get_arg(3, 1) # send M bytes
rank = comm.Get_rank()
send_fun = comm.Bsend if type == 1 else comm.Ssend
recv_fun = comm.Recv
if rank not in [0, 1]:
print("Expected only two nodes")
count = 0
LIMIT = pings
partner = abs(rank-1)
if type == 1:
_buffer = np.zeros(pings * payload, dtype=np.dtype('i1'))
data = np.zeros(payload, dtype=np.dtype('i1'))
start = MPI.Wtime()
while(count < LIMIT):
count += 1
if (rank == count % 2):
# print("proc {0} sends".format(rank))
send_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], dest=partner)
recv_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], source=partner)
# print("proc {0} got {1}".format(rank, data.nbytes))
delta = 10**6 * (MPI.Wtime() - start) # elapsed time (microseconds)
acc = 10**6 * MPI.Wtick() # timer accuracy
if type == 1:
if rank == 0:
print delta, 2*acc
#!/usr/bin/env python
## example: send 1MB 10 times using SSend
## mpiexec -n 5 ./ 0 10 1000000
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import sys
get_arg = lambda n, default: int(sys.argv[n]) if n < len(sys.argv) else default
type = get_arg(1, 0) # 0: SSend, 1: BSend
cycles = get_arg(2, 10) # travel whole ring N times
payload = get_arg(3, 1) # send M bytes token
rank = comm.Get_rank()
world = comm.Get_size()
send_fun = comm.Bsend if type == 1 else comm.Ssend
recv_fun = comm.Recv
count = 0
LIMIT = cycles
next_proc = (rank + 1) % world
prev_proc = (rank - 1) % world
if type == 1:
_buffer = np.zeros(world * cycles * payload, dtype=np.dtype('i1'))
data = np.zeros(payload, dtype=np.dtype('i1'))
start = MPI.Wtime()
if rank != 0:
while(count < LIMIT):
count += 1
recv_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], source=prev_proc)
# print("rank {0} passes token".format(rank))
send_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], dest=next_proc)
while(count < LIMIT):
count += 1
# print("rank {0} initializes cycle".format(rank))
send_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], dest=next_proc)
recv_fun([data, MPI.BYTE], source=prev_proc)
delta = MPI.Wtime() - start # elapsed time (seconds)
acc = MPI.Wtick() # timer accuracy
if type == 1:
if rank == 0:
print delta, 2*acc
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