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Last active June 18, 2021 18:59
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open Typeclasses;
// a binary search tree is a binary tree that holds order-able members and
// keeps lesser values on the left and greater or equal values on the right
module Make = (Order: Ord) => {
type t =
| Empty
| Node(t, Order.t, t);
// O(log n) operation to add a new value in a valid position in the tree
let rec insert = v =>
| Empty => Node(Empty, v, Empty)
| Node(l, x, r) =>
switch (, x)) {
| LT => Node(insert(v, l), x, r)
| GT
| EQ => Node(l, x, insert(v, r))
// Breadth-first iteration over the tree that collects each row of
// values as strings
let visualize = (show, tree) => {
let getValues =
| Empty => None
| Node(l, x, r) => (l, x, r)->Some;
let rec revList: 'a. (list('a), list('a)) => list('a) =
acc =>
| [] => acc
| [x, ...xs] => revList([x, ...acc], xs);
let rev = xs => revList([], xs);
let append: 'a. ('a, list('a)) => list('a) =
(x, xs) => rev([x, ...rev(xs)]);
let maybeAppend = (x, xs) =>
switch (x) {
| None => xs
| Some(v) => append(v, xs)
let rec go = (acc: list(string), row) =>
switch (row) {
| [] => acc
| xs =>
let (stringRow, next) =
("", []),
((str, next), (l, x, r)) => {
let next =
|> maybeAppend(getValues(l))
|> maybeAppend(getValues(r));
(str ++ " " ++ show(x), next);
go(append(stringRow, acc), next);
getValues(tree)->Belt.Option.mapWithDefault([], v => go([], [v]));
// When the inner type is also a member of Ring, we can find the closest
// value to a target value, then use that strategy over the entire tree
// to find the nearest that exists in the tree relative to a given target
module RingTree = (Ring: Ring with type t = Order.t) => {
let negate = a => Ring.subtract(, a);
let abs = a =>
switch (, {
| LT => negate(a)
| GT
| EQ => a
let closer = (target, a, b) => {
let distanceA = abs(Ring.subtract(target, a));
let distanceB = abs(Ring.subtract(target, b));
switch (, distanceB)) {
| EQ
| LT => a
| GT => b
let nearest = (v, tree) => {
let newBest = possible =>
| Some(existing) => Some(closer(v, existing, possible))
| None => Some(possible);
let rec go = best =>
| Empty => best
| Node(l, x, r) =>
switch (, x)) {
| EQ => Some(v)
| LT => go(newBest(x, best), l)
| GT => go(newBest(x, best), r)
go(None, tree);
open Typeclasses;
// we begin with some Int-specific typeclass implementations
module IntRing: Ring with type t = int = {
type t = int;
let zero = 0;
let one = 1;
let add = (+);
let subtract = (-);
let multiply = ( * );
module IntOrder: Ord with type t = int = {
type t = int;
let compare = (a: int, b: int) => a == b ? Ordering.EQ : a < b ? LT : GT;
// using those typeclasses, we can construct an Int BST that includes
// all of the functions that require Int to be a member of Ord and Ring
module IntTree = {
module InnerTree = Tree(IntOrder);
include InnerTree;
include RingTree(IntRing);
let visualize = visualize(string_of_int);
let tree =
insert(3, Empty)
|> insert(2)
|> insert(7)
|> insert(9)
|> insert(1)
|> insert(6)
let rows = IntTree.visualize(tree);
Belt.List.forEach(rows, Js.log); // " 3" \n " 2 7" \n " 1 6 9"
Js.log(IntTree.nearest(5, tree)); // Some(6)
module Ordering = {
type t = | GT | EQ | LT;
// typeclass that captures simple mathematic operations
module type Semiring = {
type t;
let add: (t, t) => t;
let multiply: (t, t) => t;
let zero: t;
let one: t;
// adds subtraction to the simpler math functions
module type Ring = {
include Semiring;
let subtract: (t, t) => t;
module type Ord = {
type t;
let compare: (t, t) => Ordering.t;
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