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Created November 14, 2011 17:13
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Popcorn Source Code Plugin
* Popcorn SourceCode Plugin v0.1
* Copyright 2011 Matthew Loberg (
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Description:
* Add source code pre/code element to the page.
* If Google Code Prettify <>
* is available, it will style the code.
* Options:
* - Start: time you want the code to display
* - End: time you want the code to hide
* - Target: the id of the element you want the code to appear in
* - Code: the source code to display
* - Lang: the source code language (optional)
* Example:
var p = Popcorn("#video")
start: 5, // seconds
end: 15, // seconds
target: 'codeExample',
code: '<?php echo "foo";?>',
lang: 'php'
Popcorn.plugin("sourceCode", {
_setup: function(options){
var target = document.getElementById(,
code = options.code.toString().replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
options._container = document.createElement("pre"); = "none";
options._container.innerHTML = '<code class="prettyprint ' + options.lang + '">' + code + '</code>';
if(!target && Popcorn.plugin.debug){
throw new Error("target container doesn't exist");
start: function(event, options){
if(typeof prettyPrint == 'function') prettyPrint(); = "block";
end: function(event, options){ = "none";
_teardown: function(options){
* Popcorn SourceCode Plugin v0.1
* Copyright 2011 Matthew Loberg (
* Licensed under the MIT license
(function(x){x.plugin("sourceCode",{_setup:function(a){var b=document.getElementById(,c=a.code.toString().replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;").replace(/"/g,"&quot;");a._container=document.createElement("pre");"none";a._container.innerHTML='<code class="prettyprint '+a.lang+'">'+c+"</code>";if(!b&&Popcorn.plugin.debug){throw new Error("target container doesn't exist")}b.appendChild(a._container)},start:function(a,b){if(typeof prettyPrint=="function")prettyPrint();"block"},end:function(a,b){"none"},_teardown:function(a){document.getElementById(}})})(Popcorn);
var p = Popcorn("#video");
start: 5, // display at 5 seconds
end: 15, // hide at 15 seconds
target: 'source-code', // target element's id
code: "<?php echo 'foo';?>", // code to display
lang: 'php' // source code language
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