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Created June 1, 2012 13:28
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Save mloberg/2852153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MySQL Slow Query Log Analyzer
* The Analyzer class.
class Analyzer {
private $fp;
private $db;
private $stmt;
public function __construct($append = false) {
// remove existing database
if (!$append) {
// create db object
$this->db = new PDO("sqlite:/tmp/slow_log_analyzer.db");
public function __destruct() {
$this->db = null;
* Load a MySQL slow log.
* @param string $file Slow query log file
public function load($file, $append = false) {
// create the database
$this->db->prepare("CREATE TABLE queries (id INTEGER NOT NULL, time INTEGER NOT NULL, user VARCHAR(128), host VARCHAR(512), ip VARCHAR(128), execute_time TEXT, lock_time TEXT, rows_sent INTEGER, rows_examined INTEGER, query TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))")->execute();
// open up the slow log for reading
$this->fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
$this->stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO queries (time, user, host, ip, execute_time, lock_time, rows_sent, rows_examined, query) VALUES (:time, :user, :host, :ip, :execute_time, :lock_time, :rows_sent, :rows_examined, :query)");
// read off until first Time section
while ($line = fgets($this->fp)) {
if (preg_match('/^# Time: (\d{6}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $line)) {
* Read a section of the slow query log.
* @param string $time_line The first line of the section (# Time)
private function read_log_file($time_line) {
// parse datetime info
preg_match('/^# Time: (\d{6}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $time_line, $matches);
$time = date(
$matches[2] + $this->opts['o'], // hour
$matches[3], // minute
$matches[4], // second
substr($matches[1], 2, 2), // month
substr($matches[1], 4, 2), // day
substr($matches[1], 0, 2) // year
$query = array();
$raw_query = '';
// read lines until next time section
while ($line = fgets($this->fp)) {
if (preg_match('/^# Time: (\d{6}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $line)) {
$query['query'] = $raw_query;
} elseif (preg_match('/^# User@Host: (\w+)\[\w+\] @ (.+) \[([\d|\.]+)\]/', $line, $matches)) {
if (!empty($raw_query)) {
$query['query'] = $raw_query;
$query = array();
$raw_query = '';
$query['time'] = $time;
$query['user'] = $matches[1];
$query['host'] = $matches[2];
$query['ip'] = $matches[3];
} elseif (preg_match('/^# Query_time: ([\d|\.]+)\s+Lock_time: ([\d|\.]+)\s+Rows_sent: (\d+)\s+Rows_examined: (\d+)/', $line, $matches)) {
$query['execute_time'] = $matches[1];
$query['lock_time'] = $matches[2];
$query['rows_sent'] = $matches[3];
$query['rows_examined'] = $matches[4];
} elseif (!preg_match('/^SET timestamp=/', $line) || !preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {
// we want to get rid of SET timestamp
// Percona adds extra data, for now let's ignore it
$raw_query .= preg_replace('/^(\s{16}|\t{4})/', '', $line);
* Return slow queries.
* @param array $opts Options for slow query results
public function results($opts) {
$sql = "SELECT time,execute_time,lock_time,query FROM queries";
$start = $opts['start'] ?: $opts['s'];
$end = $opts['end'] ?: $opts['e'];
$lock_time = $opts['lock-time'] ?: $opts['l'];
$time = $opts['time'] ?: $opts['t'];
$order = $opts['order'] ?: $opts['o'];
$where = array();
$params = array();
if (!empty($start)) {
$where[] = "time >= :start";
$params['start'] = date("U", strtotime($start));
if (!empty($end)) {
$where[] = "time <= :end";
$params['end'] = date("U", strtotime($end));
if (!empty($lock_time)) {
$where[] = "lock_time >= :lock_time";
$params['lock_time'] = $lock_time;
if (!empty($time)) {
$where[] = "execute_time >= :execute_time";
$params['execute_time'] = $time;
if (!empty($where)) {
$sql .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
if (!empty($order)) {
$sql .= " ORDER BY :order DESC";
$params['order'] = $order;
$stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql);
if (empty($opts['export'])) {
return $this->print_results($stmt);
} else {
return $this->export_results($opts['export'], $stmt);
* Print results to screen.
* @param object $stmt PDO prepared statement object
private function print_results($stmt) {
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
echo sprintf("Time: %s\n", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['time']));
echo sprintf("Execution Time: %s\n", $row['execute_time']);
echo sprintf("Lock Time: %s\n", $row['lock_time']);
echo sprintf("Query:\n%s%s\n", $row['query'], str_pad('', 20, '-'));
* Export results to a CSV file.
* @param string $file CSV file.
* @param object $stmt PDO prepared statment object
private function export_results($file, $stmt) {
// open the csv for writing
$csv = fopen($file, 'w');
// set the headers
fputcsv($csv, array('Date/Time', 'Execution Time', 'Lock Time', 'Query'));
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
fputcsv($csv, array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['time']), $row['execute_time'], $row['lock_time'], $row['query']));
* The script.
$opts = getopt('s:e:l:t:o:h', array('start:', 'end:', 'lock-time:', 'time:', 'export:', 'order:', 'skip-import', 'append', 'help'));
if (isset($opts['h']) || isset($opts['help'])) {
echo <<<MAN
slow-log-analyzer - Analyze a slow query log by date.
slow-log-analyzer was designed to quickly find slow queries between two dates/times. It works by scanning a slow query log and importing information to a sqlite database and then running queries against that. It is written in PHP and needs the PDO extension.
slow-log-analyzer [OPTIONS] [FILE]
-s, --start
Show results later then this date.
-e, --end
Show results earlier then this date.
-l, --lock-time
Show only results that had a lock time greater then passed value.
-t, --time
Show only results that took greater then passed value.
-o, --order
Order results by field. (time, execute_time, lock_time)
Skip importing the log file into the db.
Add slow log to current db (instead of clearing it).
Export results (as CSV).
slow-log-analyzer /path/to/slow-query.log
Default with no extra options.
slow-log-analyzer --lock-time 3 /path/to/slow-query.log
Show queries that locked for longer then 3 seconds.
slow-log-analyzer --skip-import --start="5/28 9:00" --end="5/28 8:00"
Don't reload the database, and find queries that were ran between 9 and 8 on 5/28
slow-log-analyzer --export slow.csv /path/to/slow-query.log
Export slow queries to a CSV file.
$analyzer = new Analyzer(isset($opts['append']));
if (!isset($opts['skip-import'])) {
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mloberg commented Jun 2, 2012

@donatj I wanted to store queries in a database so I could query them myself if I wanted to. I went with SQLite because a) I didn't want too many extra options (for connecting to MySQL) and b) MySQL isn't installed on many systems by default.

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prasad83 commented Feb 4, 2013

User@Host - can miss the ip portion. The regex need to be modified as:

/^# User@Host: (\w+)\[\w+\] @ (.+) \[([^\[]*)\]/

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prasad83 commented Feb 4, 2013

To skip appending lines to raw_query, we might need to use && instead:

elseif (!preg_match('/^SET timestamp=/', $line) && !preg_match('/^use /', $line) && !preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {

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prasad83 commented Feb 5, 2013

Regex used for parsing datetime-info need some fix.

"/^# Time:[ ]+(\d{6})[ ]+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/"

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