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Created October 29, 2019 23:17
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Boost.GIL changes between Boost 1.71 and 1.72
git log boost-1.71.0..master --pretty=format:"1. [%h]( t/%H) - %s" >
  1. e8a04f403 - Merge branch 'develop' for Boost 1.72 release.
  2. 62379dd5b - Implement Sobel and Scharr operators (#392)
  3. 20f511b7d - Flatten structure of test/extension/io/output/ folder (#400)
  4. 29208c730 - Fix void istream_device::read function returning a value (#399)
  5. 100762760 - Add GIL_ENABLE_EXT_DYNAMIC_IMAGE to CMakeSettings.json example [ci skip]
  6. 146d81bb7 - Update extend_boundary function to handle all boundary_option-s (#398)
  7. 8235ee645 - Hide convolve_1d, convolve_2d and kernel_2 in namespace detail (#397)
  8. 7ff2730f4 - Remove threshold_optimal_value::triangle enumerator as not implemented
  9. 8f1bd53fe - Implemented median_filter (#393)
  10. c3e1fb767 - CMake: Add Boost version 1.72 to CMakeSettings.json for VS
  11. d583d2b90 - CMake: Require Boost 1.68 as first release of C++11 GIL
  12. 427b3f0f5 - Update documentation on dependencies required by tests and examples [ci skip]
  13. 1d9fe2cff - Merge pull request #394 from mloskot/ml/emergency-master-fix-for-docs-build-bug-351
  14. f2697e61d - [travis] Remove llvm-toolchain-trusty-6.0 source [skip appveyor]
  15. 95127299d - [travis] Replace clang 5.0 with 6.0 for UBSAN builds [skip appveyor]
  16. 25b710da2 - Add minimal top-level Jamfile to run test/ project
  17. 96df5442b - Move tests of extensions inside test/ directory (#302)
  18. 90f6fc04e - convolve_boundary_option renamed to boundary_option (#390)
  19. fbec8a3aa - [doc] Split design guide into multiple pages (#389)
  20. 6a1c99a33 - Implement image boundary extension algorithm (#386)
  21. e7d8f1eee - [doc] Point link to download to GitHub not self, the website
  22. 3a668fbe1 - [doc] Indicate GIL is C++11 library
  23. 1f75e8530 - [doc] Remove incomplete copyright info from Sphinx config [ci skip]
  24. 968cc0847 - [doc] Remove incorrect and confusing version number from Sphinx config
  25. 6f7d0a118 - [doc] Add footer with 'last built on' timestamp and Sphinx version
  26. b342bdd46 - [doc] Improve structure of image_processing/ node
  27. a2b582c2c - [doc] Remove superfluous .rst extension from pages listing
  28. 6d61de076 - Image Processing docs (#388)
  29. bd00f91b0 - Fix crash when reading PNG files with an invalid header (#385)
  30. 124f62191 - implemented box_filter (#383)
  31. 5c52dff36 - Hessian corner detector (#364)
  32. 65fda3cf7 - Harris response computation (#350)
  33. 5f612ccf7 - added definition of gaussian adaptive threshold (#379)
  34. f6c502be0 - Fix Boost guidelines violations (#378)
  35. 9e76b8b5b - Mark all non-simple build targets of extension/io as explicit (#370)
  36. 48e35c147 - Removed asserts and replaced by exceptions for checking of runtime errors (#369)
  37. 64ceb37b9 - Fix inspection issues in image_processing sources and tests (#377)
  38. ca696ce6d - Added 2D convolution definitions to numeric extension (#367)
  39. 499d30ff9 - inspect: Add missing Boost license info and copyright notice in conanfile.txt
  40. a895b5eb5 - Add tests for extension/numeric/pixel_numeric_operations.hpp (#372)
  41. 21fce27b9 - Delete deprecated .github/ [ci skip]
  42. b365cc233 - Update issue templates: feature request [ci skip]
  43. 5c5fdc068 - Update issue templates: bug report
  44. 8b58ef051 - Tidy up comma followed by whitespace
  45. 260779522 - Add test for three color types of PNG with tRNS chunk (#125)
  46. bd12f3cc7 - [test] Split pixel_types fixture to integer and float pixel types (#365)
  47. 8d3d174e4 - [appveyor] Switch all jobs to VS2017 image (#366)
  48. 308e4eafa - Fix Sphinx syntax of code-block directive
  49. 11c897bb0 - 2D kernel support added to numeric extension (#361)
  50. 5d69ccf98 - Cast to int to avoid signed/unsignd mismatch
  51. 8815ab055 - Clarify correlation as cross-correlation and convolution as spatial convolution (#339) [ci skip]
  52. 8b616b686 - Clarify what flavours of PNM formats can be read and written (#358)
  53. 67ac10d3a - Rename test/extension/numeric/convolve_2d.cpp to convolve.cpp (#357)
  54. 348fd6942 - Include <boost/gil.hpp> in examples (#355)
  55. d0c474eb3 - Remove test/extension/io/images/pnm/readme.txt [ci skip]
  56. 5f005b069 - Add adaptive threshold algorithm using mean method (#341)
  57. 5d3208ec5 - Add tests for extension/numeric/channel_numeric_operations.hpp (#340)
  58. c2b406d90 - Update docs for threshold_binary function and enums [ci skip] (#333)
  59. 01c39629f - Filter generation (#342)
  60. f2d0958e2 - Fix implicitly-declared copy constructor is deprecated in planar_pixel_reference.hpp
  61. f0278957e - Fix implicitly-declared assignment operator is deprecated in planar_pixel_reference.hpp
  62. 1bbd9bed3 - Fix implicitly-declared assignment operator is deprecated in virtual_locator.hpp
  63. ee7e4b1a5 - Fix implicitly-declared assignment operator is deprecated in channel.hpp
  64. 793fbbd28 - Fix implicitly-declared assignment operator is deprecated in extension/numeric/kernel.hpp
  65. ddea00494 - Ignore -Wconversion from Boost.Iterator headers
  66. ff8264680 - Remove unused result_channel_t type alias from threshold.hpp
  67. e0f278731 - Prefer x_coord_t and y_coord_t aliases for values of image_view dimensions
  68. 1d4267d52 - Assert user-specified positions within image or image_view are in range (#344)
  69. 90e5e1738 - Add test for convolve function from Numeric extension (#349)
  70. 055ee947a - Clean up and refactor extension/numeric/convolve.hpp
  71. 2c4529ed9 - Add convolve function in Numeric extension (#347)
  72. d86e4a4de - Bump Sphinx version from 1.7.9 to 2.1 (#346)
  73. 5c1754bc2 - Link to documentation built from develop in README [ci skip]
  74. 24468697f - [travis] Dump version of installed Sphinx
  75. 6b181acce - [doc] Split tutorial into separate documents for quickstart section [ci skip] (#325)
  76. 6bdc48c61 - Otsu threshold implemented (#314)
  77. 516ee84f1 - Include only if BOOST_GIL_TEST_DEBUG defined [ci skip]
  78. 584cdd4e2 - Modify random_value fixture test to cope with repeated values (seeding issue)
  79. 89436c9cd - Include boost/core/typeinfo.hpp where used
  80. dafcaa169 - Extract GIL-specific Boost.Test utilities from test/unit_test.hpp (#338)
  81. 69adf0e8a - Fix ENABLE_GRAY_ALPHA macro name to BOOST_GIL_IO_ENABLE_GRAY_ALPHA
  82. 823432923 - New threshold tests added for multi-channel views
  83. d7884ee1a - Fix parameters type of subimage_view functions in core and dynamic_image (#337)
  84. b1a382c45 - Compare float-pointing value to zero using <= operator (#336)
  85. 73314b19a - [numeric] Correct name of BOOST_TEST_MODULE [ci skip]
  86. 9ce3f08a3 - Add first tests for convolve functions from Numeric extension (#335)
  87. da2e4722b - threshold.hpp: Remove unused type alias
  88. 2bdaa622b - Add Image Processing section to Doxygen-based docs (#334) [ci skip]
  89. 199bec1ea - Tidy up GitHub templates using comments [ci skip]
  90. 48679777d - Fix error: RView identifier not found in planar_rgba_view (#332)
  91. 3f42ff847 - comparison operator changed to > from >= for threshold value comparison
  92. 0809f2de7 - Add color_spaces_are_compatible requirement as static_assert to threshold (#329)
  93. 35a5bdc19 - Add image_processing/scaling.hpp to boost/gil.hpp (#330)
  94. bf8e0dd1c - Add threshold_truncate.cpp missing from Jamfile
  95. 266bf414a - Tidy up headers in gil/image_processing/ directory (#326)
  96. 92c8cc72e - Add suppressive parentheses for function-like macro (#328)
  97. 5ec5566fe - [doc] Removed unused files (#327) [ci skip]
  98. c3e84adbd - [doc] Fix incomplete code-block directive [skip appveyor]
  99. 7a51663dd - [doc] Fix inconsistent reST sections markup [skip appveyor]
  100. 540603838 - Add documentation build steps to doc/
  101. 02064f974 - Set max line length to 79 for .rst documents according to reST linter
  102. 74c497c36 - Apply the rule of three in memory_based_2d_locator and iterator_from_2d (#324)
  103. cbc0a30ae - Fix Slack channel name [ci skip]
  104. 08c546dc7 - Add VS2019 and WSL configuration to CMakeSettings.json [ci skip]
  105. ee169ef10 - Unify names of files and targets of image processing tests [skip ci]
  106. 1400b6df7 - Ignore VSCode's *.code-workspace files [skip ci]
  107. bd91abfff - Add cmake-variants.yaml sample for Visual Studio Code + CMake Tools [skip ci]
  108. ab4c68697 - [numeric] std::extent not usable to obtain size of kernel_1d_fixed (#320)
  109. 48b5ec4e6 - Update example/cmake/CMakeSettings.json [ci skip]
  110. dfbbec153 - [circleci] Deal with b2 increased default of parallel jobs [skip appveyor]
  111. 7f2318407 - Add basic test for color base algorithm: static_transform (#319)
  112. c6cb094ce - Clarify use of gray_layout_t in homogeneous_color_base tests for N>1
  113. 67c3ac77c - Add kernel test to numeric/Jamfile (#318)
  114. b4a69319b - Add tests for kernel_1d and kernel_1d_fixed classes (#317)
  115. cf897c596 - Implementation of lanczos down scaling (#309)
  116. 716fe9ad8 - Implement algorithms for binary and binary inverse thresholding (#313)
  117. 698d83c60 - [cmake] Build conan package from sources if missing [ci skip]
  118. 3d6deaeff - Restore running of legacy tests on Travis CI and AppVeyor (#308)
  119. 895aa77fb - [CMake] Remove GIL_DOWNLOAD_FINDBOOST option (#307)
  120. 0fe841f2b - Fix setup logic to also work with differently named GIL forks. (#306)
  121. baeac8ce8 - Disable BOOST_GIL_USE_CONCEPT_CHECK when compiling tests with clang (#304)
  122. 387743282 - Fix project name in comment [ci skip]
  123. 3e043a41a - Define WIN32 macro to make LibRaw happy (#303)
  124. 5024f6ffd - Guidelines: increase line length limit to 100 characters [ci skip]
  125. 628bfc2b6 - Add minimal top-level Jamfile to run test/ project
  126. 4ed7701b4 - Move tests of extensions inside test/ directory (#302)
  127. 446a35ba8 - Ignore files generated by documentation build [skip ci]
  128. a6283366a - Fix remote URL [skip ci]
  129. 43908adcc - Tweak info on adding remote [skip ci]
  130. d60a9c188 - Add missing word [ci skip]
  131. 72dae8b57 - Update procedure of updating pull request [skip ci]
  132. 9418bafc0 - [editorconfig] Add guidelines at 80 and 90 column [ci skip]
  133. 1b44f169f - Remove unused Quickbook and HTML files (#301)
  134. e56761e67 - [travis] Add explicit dist:xenial [skip appveyor]
  135. d0cb17ade - [travis] Remove llvm-toolchain-trusty-6.0 source [skip appveyor]
  136. 99f813846 - [travis] Replace clang 5.0 with 6.0 for UBSAN builds [skip appveyor]
  137. 4dc383644 - [cmake] Rationalise names of tests vs targets
  138. 9cf68deae - [azp] Install latest CMake 3.14.4 [skip appveyor]
  139. 1fc6e8625 - [azp] Add apt-get update
  140. 992241d88 - [cmake] Boost.System is not direct dependency [ci skip]
  141. f88b1cd16 - Restore copyright notice removed by accident [ci skip]
  142. 22baa73c0 - [cmake] Allow GIL_USE_CONAN independently from IO ext
  143. c20d4f266 - [numeric] Add unit test for matrix3x2 class (#293)
  144. c504f8279 - Add missing equal sign in interleaved_ptr.hpp (#299) [ci skip]
  145. 10f1efff5 - [cmake] Name targets of legacy tests with legacy_ prefix [ci skip]
  146. 7e7bacd93 - Remove -Wextra from default flags [skip ci]
  147. 130c7fc72 - Update compilers list [skip ci]
  148. 2b1cde67a - [circleci] Fix YAML syntax [skip appveyor]
  149. 88faf47c2 - [circleci] Restore building master and develop only [skip appveyor]
  150. d36a2c8ed - Add SFINAE-friendly version of std::common_type (#298)
  151. 6832ad6ac - Ignore -Wsign-conversion warning from Boost.Test
  152. 02dc6de52 - Ignore .log files [skip ci]
  153. e0c27a337 - Disable free operator* of point for non-arithmetic operand (#295)
  154. c9ccc8355 - Officially drop support for GCC <= 4.8 (#296)
  155. 8c331a55f - [doc] Move Pixel Locator out of Pixel Iterator section (#288) [ci skip]
  156. 3747846ac - GCC 4.8/4.9 define std::is_trivially_destructible (#292)
  157. 427956fa3 - [circleci] Enable builds for all branches [skip appveyor]
  158. a12365312 - Add internal version of std::is_trivially_default_constructible (#291)
  159. 5af7a959f - Restore value_type access from std::iterator_traits
  160. db8c76bf5 - [circleci] Enable builds for all branches [skip appveyor] [skip travis]
  161. 8bcc9b032 - [appveyor] Add build jobs using VS2015 (#290) [travis skip]
  162. 1f2474fa1 - [cmake] Update CMakeSettings.json with Boost hints [ci skip]
  163. 6a5772144 - Document purpose of cached_location_t [ci skip] (#287)
  164. d5348c6c6 - Remove doc/doxygen/design_guide.dox as old docs remains (#285)
  165. 0ffeaa775 - Ignore Python virtual env in /.env
  166. 555c4cc7b - Fix UB due is_trivially_default_constructible specializations (#284)
  167. 20308531d - Rationalize GitHub templates [ci skip]
  168. 53e341b6c - Disable stats from git log -1 during CI build
  169. 5611bd580 - Replace Boost.MPL with Boost.MP11 (#274)
  170. 63c18e34e - Tweak format [ci skip]
  171. eec604c94 - Update with tests coverage for CI status [ci skip]
  172. a0c5eb3d3 - [test] Fix CMake status message [ci skip]
  173. c11a19880 - [CI] Rationalize deployment of Boost dependencies (#279)
  174. 7977b279c - Add section on CMakeSettings.json for VS
  175. d8280e6b9 - [appveyor] Add C++17 builds with VS2017 (#278) [skip travis]
  176. d7c7edd11 - [azp] Avoid pre-installed Boost 1.69 (#277) [skip appveyor] [skip travis]
  177. 7db51faff - Cast scoped_channel_value to integer prior comparin to an integer
  178. 8d2a90bf1 - Add missing #include in test
  179. c6c5336cc - Value-initialize channel and pixel value members (#273)
  180. 89ce280c6 - Fix warning about unused variable
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