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Last active February 11, 2017 20:59
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1346 Puzzle Solution with Amb
# Puzzle solution
# Using the numbers [1, 3, 4, 6] and operations [+, -, *, /],
# find an expression that equals 24.
# Use each number exactly once.
# The puzzle is fun! Don't read this until you've solved it.
# Uses amb, the (super cool) ambiguity operator. (Explained below)
# Print in continuation passing style.
# A continuation (k) is basically a word a callback.
# It's the function that represents what to do next.
# In languages that really support continuations,
# control never returns from a continuation.
print = (msg, k) ->
console.log msg
panic = (msg) ->
if msg == undefined
console.log "panic"
console.log "panic #{msg}"
# Dump the stack.
# Gotta do this once in a while to not overrun the stack.
breathe = (k) -> setTimeout k, 0
rest = (xs) -> xs[1..]
# ambiguity operator
# "Takes on the value" of any of the choices.
# choices - Values to try.
# bail - Function to call when all choices are exhausted.
# k - Computation to run. Passed (value, fail)
# Where `fail` is a function to call to backtrack.
# Backtracking means calling `k` again with the next choice.
amb = (choices, bail, k) ->
# set bail to default panic function
unless bail
bail = -> panic "amb ran out of choices #{choices}"
# bail up and out when exhausted choices
unless choices.length
k choices[0], ->
# what to do if that didn't work out
amb (rest choices), bail, k
# Check that each number appears only once
check_nums = (nums, fail, k) ->
if (new Set(nums)).size == 4
# Get all combos of 4 numbers and 3 ops.
# Ambiguously.
# Cals (k nums4, ops3, fail)
get_setup = (nums, ops, fail, k) ->
amb nums, fail, (x, fail) ->
amb nums, fail, (y, fail) ->
amb nums, fail, (z, fail) ->
amb nums, fail, (w, fail) ->
amb ops, fail, (op1, fail) ->
amb ops, fail, (op2, fail) ->
amb ops, fail, (op3, fail) ->
check_nums [x, y, z, w], fail, ->
k [x, y, z, w], [op1, op2, op3], fail
# Check that the expression evaluates to 24
check_expr = (expr, fail, k) ->
sum = eval(expr)
console.log "#{sum} = #{expr}"
if sum == 24
k expr, sum
# Check an ordering of numbers and ops.
# Tries both tree structures.
check = (nums4, ops3, fail, k) ->
amb ['left', 'right'], fail, (swi, fail) ->
if swi == 'left'
expr = "(#{nums4[0]} #{ops3[0]} #{nums4[1]}) #{ops3[1]} (#{nums4[2]} #{ops3[2]} #{nums4[3]})"
check_expr expr, fail, k
else if swi == 'right'
expr = "#{nums4[0]} #{ops3[0]} (#{nums4[1]} #{ops3[1]} (#{nums4[2]} #{ops3[2]} #{nums4[3]}))"
check_expr expr, fail, k
panic "impossible"
solve_problem = (k) ->
nums = [1,3,4,6]
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
get_setup nums, ops, null, (nums4, ops3, fail) ->
# now we're ready to make one attempt
breathe ->
check nums4, ops3, fail, k
main = ->
solve_problem (expr, sum) ->
print "GOT IT: #{sum} = #{expr}", ->
do main
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