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Created June 25, 2012 22:06
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Alternative approach for PIHM GIS watershed delineation
@echo off
set GISBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass-6.4.2
rem set GISBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass-7.0.svn
rem set GRASS_SH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\bin\sh.exe
SET PATH=%GISBASE%\bin;%GISBASE%\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\bin;%PATH%
SET GISRC=.grassrc
md grassdata\default\PERMANENT
SET DIR=%~dp0
echo GISDBASE: %~dp0grassdata > .grassrc
echo LOCATION_NAME: default >> .grassrc
echo MAPSET: PERMANENT >> .grassrc
SET WIND=grassdata\default\PERMANENT/WIND
echo proj: 0 > %WIND%
echo zone: 0 >> %WIND%
echo north: 1 >> %WIND%
echo south: 0 >> %WIND%
echo east: 1 >> %WIND%
echo west: 0 >> %WIND%
echo cols: 1 >> %WIND%
echo rows: 1 >> %WIND%
echo e-w resol: 1 >> %WIND%
echo n-s resol: 1 >> %WIND%
echo top: 1 >> %WIND%
echo bottom: 0 >> %WIND%
echo cols3: 1 >> %WIND%
echo rows3: 1 >> %WIND%
echo depths: 1 >> %WIND%
echo e-w resol3: 1 >> %WIND%
echo n-s resol3: 1 >> %WIND%
echo t-b resol: 1 >> %WIND%
cp grassdata\default\PERMANENT\WIND grassdata\default\PERMANENT\DEFAULT_WIND
rem 6.4.2 -e input=RasterProcessing\fill.asc output=fill location=rst
g.gisenv set=LOCATION_NAME=rst
r.fill.dir input=dem elevation=fill direction=fdir areas=sinks
rem or instead of r.fill.dir
rem rem r.terraflow elevation=dem filled=fill direction=fdir swatershed=sinks accumulation=fac tci=tci --overwrite
r.watershed elev=fill accumulation=fac drain=fdir basin=catch stream=str thresh=10000 --overwrite
r.water.outlet drainage=fdir basin=wshed easting=507506.7953 northing=4928770.033 --overwrite input=wshed output=wshed feature=area --overwrite
v.generalize input=wshed output=wshed_simp method=douglas threshold=100
v.type input=wshed_simp output=wcont type=boundary,line --overwrite
rem # the stream raster usually requires thinning
r.thin in=str out=str_thin in=str_thin out=streams feature=line
v.overlay ainput=streams atype=line binput=wshed_simp output=streams_wshed operator=and --overwrite
v.generalize input=streams_wshed output=streams_simp method=douglas threshold=100 --overwrite
rem won't work v.overlay ainput=streams_wshed atype=line binput=wcont output=merged --overwrite
v.patch input=streams_simp,wcont output=merged --overwrite
rem no need v.type input=merged output=merged_line type=boundary,line --overwrite
v.split input=merged output=merged_single vertices=2
v.out.ogr input=merged_single type=line dsn=. olayer=merged --overwrite
rem g.proj -c location=rst
rem -e input="C:\Documents and Settings\tito0003\My Documents\work\hsB\bc.tif" output=dem location=rst
rem r.watershed -f elev=dem accumulation=fac drain=fdir basin=catch stream=str thresh=10000 --overwrite
rem r.terraflow elev=dem filled=fil direction=fdir swatershed=catch accumulation=fac tci=tci --overwrite
rem r.basins.fill c_map=str result=basins
rem input=wshed output=wshed type=line --overwrite
rem # Use v.clean to remove tiny areas (that were a string of single cells in the raster)
rem v.clean wshed out=wshed_final tool=rmarea thresh=150
rem stream=str dir=fdir strahler=strahler shreve=shreeve horton=horton hack=hack
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