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Created September 2, 2020 15:26
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{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Network.Socket
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Network.Run.TCP
import Common
import Parse
import Output
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Error as E
getPacket :: ConnState -> Socket -> (PacketIn -> IO ()) -> IO ()
getPacket cs s f = do
dat <- recv s 2048
let p = parsePacket cs dat
case p of
Left e -> putStr $ E.errorBundlePretty e -- TODO: good error handling
Right x -> f x
handleConn :: ConnState -> Socket -> IO ()
handleConn cs s = getPacket cs s $ \case
PHandshake vers addr port next -> do
-- TODO: Should we check the received protocol version?
-- TODO: We should definitely check the next state field, so that we
-- don't do anything weird like going straight to Play
peer <- getPeerName s
putStrLn $ "Successful handshake with client at address " ++ show peer
handleConn next s
PRequest -> do
sendPacket s (PResponse jsonResp)
handleConn cs s
PPing x -> do
sendPacket s (PPong x)
jsonResp :: Text
jsonResp = "{ \"version\": { \"name\": \"1.16.2\", \"protocol\": 751 }, \"players\": { \"max\": 100, \"online\": 5, \"sample\": [ { \"name\": \"no really\", \"id\": \"4566e69f-c907-48ee-8d71-d7ba5aa00d20\" }, { \"name\": \"it actually works\", \"id\": \"4566e69f-c907-48ee-8d71-d7ba5aa00d20\" } ] }, \"description\": { \"text\": \"Hello, World!\" }}"
main :: IO ()
main = runTCPServer Nothing "25565" (handleConn Handshaking)
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