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Created February 17, 2020 03:02
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Printf
class ParserStream s a | s -> a where
uncons :: s -> Maybe (a, s)
instance ParserStream [a] a where
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (x:xs) = Just (x, xs)
-- parse :: stream -> (either error result, consumed, restOfStream)
newtype Parser s r = Parser { parse :: s -> (Either String r, Int, s) }
instance Functor (Parser s) where
fmap f p = Parser $ \inp -> let (res, off, rem) = parse p inp
in (f <$> res, off, rem)
addToOffset :: Int -> (a, Int, b) -> (a, Int, b)
addToOffset n (x, off, y) = (x, off + n, y)
instance Applicative (Parser s) where
pure x = Parser $ \inp -> (Right x, 0, inp)
f <*> x = Parser $ \inp ->
let (res, off, rem) = parse f inp
in case res of
Right f' -> addToOffset off $ parse (f' <$> x) rem
Left e -> (Left e, off, rem)
instance Monad (Parser s) where
return x = Parser $ \inp -> (Right x, 0, inp)
x >>= f = Parser $ \inp ->
let (res, off, rem) = parse x inp
in case res of
Right x' -> addToOffset off $ parse (f x') rem
Left e -> (Left e, off, rem)
instance Alternative (Parser s) where
empty = Parser $ \inp -> (Left "(unknown error)", 0, inp)
x <|> y = Parser $ \inp ->
let (res1, off1, rem1) = parse x inp
(res2, off2, rem2) = parse y inp
in case res1 of
Right x -> (Right x, off1, rem1)
Left e1 ->
if off1 > 0
then (Left e1, off1, rem1)
else case res2 of
Right x -> (Right x, off2, rem2)
Left e2 ->
if off2 > 0
then (Left e2, off2, rem2)
else let e = e1 ++ " or " ++ e2
in (Left e, 0, inp)
try :: Parser s r -> Parser s r
try p = Parser $ \inp ->
let (res, off, rem) = parse p inp
in case res of
Right x -> (Right x, off, rem)
Left e -> (Left e, 0, inp)
char :: (ParserStream s Char) => Char -> Parser s Char
char x = Parser $ \inp ->
case uncons inp of
Nothing -> (err, 0, inp)
Just (c, rem) -> if c == x
then (Right c, 1, rem)
else (err, 0, rem)
where err = Left $ printf "'%c'" x
string :: (ParserStream s Char) => String -> Parser s String
string str = Parser $ \inp ->
let (success, off, rem) = f str inp
in if success then (Right str, off, rem)
else (Left $ printf "\"%s\"" str, off, rem)
where f [] inp = (True, 0, inp)
f (x:xs) inp =
case uncons inp of
Nothing -> (False, 0, inp)
Just (y, ys) -> if x /= y
then (False, 0, inp)
else let (res, n, rem) = f xs ys
in (res, n+1, rem)
eof :: (ParserStream s c) => Parser s ()
eof = Parser $ \inp ->
case uncons inp of
Nothing -> (Right (), 0, inp)
Just x -> (Left "eof", 0, inp)
runParser :: (ParserStream s Char) => Parser s r -> s -> Either String r
runParser p inp = case parse p inp of
(Right r, _, rem) -> case uncons rem of
Nothing -> Right r
Just _ -> Left "failed to consume all input"
(Left exp, n, rem) -> let unexp = case uncons rem of
Just (x, xs) -> printf "'%c'" x
Nothing -> "eof"
in Left $ printf "unexpected %s at character %d; expected %s" unexp n exp
testParser = do string "foo"
string "bar" <|> string "car"
main :: IO ()
main = getLine >>= putStrLn . either ("Failure:\n"++) (const "Success!") . runParser testParser
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