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Last active March 9, 2018 08:52
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Cell list for particle simulations, in progress

Cell list with periodic boundaries

This maps a vector of 3d positions and map each index into an evenly spaced lattice of grid points (cells). The neighbors of a given index in the position vector can be used to quickly find all other index in the vicinity.

More inspiration:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <array>
#include <Eigen/Core> //
#include "doctest.h" //
* @brief Cuboidal cell list with periodic boundaries
* Maps cartesian points to a grid of arbitrary resolution that
* stores particle index.
* - cartesian space (`Point`) is assumed to use all 8 octants (i.e. +/- round 0,0,0)
* - grid space (`CellPoint`) use only the first octant (all +)
* - resolution and size is set by `resize`
* - particle index of neighbors (and self) to a grid point is obtained with `neighbors()`
* - move from one grid point to another with `move()`
* - the list of particle index in each grid point is stored in a `std::set<int>` container.
* Compile with:
* wget
* clang++ -I path_to_Eigen -std=c++14 -Wall -g cell.cpp
* @date Malmo, March 2018
template<typename CellPoint=Eigen::Vector3i>
class CellList {
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Point;
Point halfbox;
double cellsize=0; // cell side length (angstrom)
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::set<int>>>> cells;
CellPoint KLM = {0,0,0}; // max cell index K,L,M
auto& operator[](const CellPoint &c) {
return cells[c[0]][c[1]][c[2]];
} //!< returns set with all index in given cell (complexity: constant)
CellPoint p2c(const Point &p) const {
return ((p+halfbox)/cellsize).array().round().template cast<int>();
} //!< cartesian point --> cell point
Point c2p(const CellPoint &c) const {
return (c.template cast<double>()) * cellsize - halfbox;
} //!< cell point --> cartesian point
void move(int i, const CellPoint &src, const CellPoint &dst) {
assert( (*this)[src].count(i)==1 && "i not present in old cell");
assert( (*this)[dst].count(i)==0 && "i already in new cell");
} //!< move particle index i from one cell to another (complexity: N log N)
void resize(const Point &box, double cutoff) {
halfbox = 0.5*box;
cellsize = cutoff;
KLM = (box/cellsize).array().round().template cast<int>();
if (KLM.minCoeff()>=3) {
for (auto &k : cells) {
for (auto &l : k)
} else
throw std::runtime_error("celllist error: too few grid point - cutoff or box too small");
void clear() {
for (auto &k : cells)
for (auto &l : k)
for (auto &m : l)
} //<! clear all index in cell list
template<class Tpvec, class T=std::function<Point(const typename Tpvec::value_type&)>>
void update(const Tpvec &p, T getpos = [](auto &i){return i;} ) {
for (size_t i=0; i<p.size(); i++)
(*this)[ p2c( getpos(p[i]) ) ].insert(i);
void neighbors(const Eigen::Vector3i &c, std::vector<int> &index, bool clear=true) const {
if (clear)
int cnt=0;
std::array<int,3> k = {{ c[0]-1, c[0], c[0]+1 }},
l = {{ c[1]-1, c[1], c[1]+1 }}, m = {{ c[2]-1, c[2], c[2]+1 }};
if (k[0]<0) k[0]=KLM[0]; else if (k[2]>KLM[0]) k[2]=0;
if (l[0]<0) l[0]=KLM[1]; else if (l[2]>KLM[1]) l[2]=0;
if (m[0]<0) m[0]=KLM[2]; else if (m[2]>KLM[2]) m[2]=0;
for (int _k : k)
for (int _l : l)
for (int _m : m) {
auto& s = cells[_k][_l][_m];
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(index));
} //!< Index from all 26+1 neighboring+own cells (complexity: N neighbors)
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Point;
Point box = {10,20,6};
CellList<Eigen::Vector3i> l;
l.resize(box, 2);
CHECK( l.KLM==Eigen::Vector3i(5,10,3) );
CHECK( l.p2c( {5,10,3} ) == l.KLM );
CHECK( l.p2c( {-5,-10,-3} ) == Eigen::Vector3i(0,0,0) );
CHECK( l.p2c( {0,0,0} ) == Eigen::Vector3i(3,5,2) );
std::vector<int> index; // index of neighbors (and self) in...
std::vector<Point> vec; // ...array of points
vec = {{0,0,0}, {0,3,0}};
l.neighbors( l.p2c( vec[0] ), index);
CHECK( index.size()==1 ); // alone by myself...
CHECK( index.front()==0 ); // I really me?
vec = {{0,0,0}, {0,-3,0}};
l.neighbors( l.p2c( vec[0] ), index);
CHECK( index.size()==2 ); // now we're two
l.neighbors( l.p2c( vec[1] ), index);
CHECK( index.size()==2 ); // now we're two
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