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Created October 8, 2013 16:29
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* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis 1.4 Apr 22, 2006 (06:55:48 PDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
package com.buyme.www.ShipmentService;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class ShipmentServiceSOAPImpl implements com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.ShipmentService_PortType{
private static final float euroPerKg = (float) 0.9;
private static final float euroPerKm = (float) 0.005;
private static final float expressDeliveryMultiplier = (float) 2.2;
private static final float weightLimit = 50;
private static final int penaltyTime = 1;
private static final int maxTravelTime = 14;
private static final int regularDeliveryType = 1;
private static final int expressDeliveryType = 2;
private static final int expressDeliveryDenominator = 5;
public float getAdditionalCosts(java.lang.String address, float weight, int shipmentType) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.NonpositiveWeightValueFault, com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidAddressFault,
com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidShipmentTypeFault {
validateParameters(address, weight, shipmentType);
float distancePrice = getDistancePrice(address);
float weightPrice = weight * euroPerKg;
float price = distancePrice + weightPrice;
// increase price for express delivery
if (shipmentType == expressDeliveryType) return price * expressDeliveryMultiplier;
else return price;
public java.util.Date getDeliveryDate(java.lang.String address, float weight, int shipmentType) throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.NonpositiveWeightValueFault, com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidAddressFault,
com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidShipmentTypeFault {
validateParameters(address, weight, shipmentType);
Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
// for heavy packages add some time to order special delivery service
if (weight > weightLimit) date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, penaltyTime);
// get some random delivery time in days ( in real scenario it should depend on the address )
int deliveryTime = (int) (Math.random()*maxTravelTime + 1);
// set the delivery date depending on the shipment type
if (shipmentType == expressDeliveryType){
int expressDeliveryTime = (int)((deliveryTime/expressDeliveryDenominator) + 1);
date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, expressDeliveryTime);
} else {
date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, deliveryTime);
//convert Calendar object to Date object
java.util.Date deliveryDate = new java.util.Date(date.getTimeInMillis());
return deliveryDate;
private float getDistancePrice(String address) {
// calculate some random distance
float distance = (float) (Math.random() * 4000);
return distance * euroPerKm;
private void validateParameters(java.lang.String address, float weight,
int shipmentType) throws InvalidAddressFault,
InvalidShipmentTypeFault, NonpositiveWeightValueFault {
// address must consist at least of country, city, street, building
if (address.split(" ").length < 4)
throw new com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidAddressFault("Address must consist at least of country, city, street, building, separated by space.");
// shipment type values must be only 1 (regular) or 2(express)
if (!(shipmentType == regularDeliveryType || shipmentType == expressDeliveryType))
throw new com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.InvalidShipmentTypeFault("Shipment type can be only 1 or 2");
// weight must be more than 0
if (!(weight > 0))
throw new com.buyme.www.ShipmentService.NonpositiveWeightValueFault("Weight must be more than 0");
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