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Last active March 12, 2018 21:24
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An example of clustering using Gaussian mixture models, fitted using Expectation-Maximization.
## EM algorithm implementation
## Joshua Moller-Mara
## Probability of each cluster for each point
E.step <- function(X, phi, N) {
h <-
lapply(1:N, function(i)
dmvnorm(X, mu[[i]], sig[[i]]))))
h/rowSums(h) #Normalize
## Given the probability of each cluster for each point, we try to
## find the values of mu, sigma, and alpha that maximize the likelihood
M.step <- function(X, h, N) {
covs <- lapply(1:N, function(i) cov.wt(X, h[,i]))
mu <- lapply(covs, "[[", "center")
sig <- lapply(covs, "[[", "cov")
alpha <- colMeans(h)
list(mu = mu, sig = sig, alpha = alpha)
## log.likelihood
## Given points and parameters, how well does our model fit?
## This also gives us a terminating condition for the EM algorithm.
## We stop if we don't improve all that much.
## This is also used for AIC for model selection (choosing a value of k) <- function(X, phi, N) {
probs <-
lapply(1:N, function(i)
alpha[i] * dmvnorm(X, mu[[i]], sig[[i]]))))
#Function to plot current data
## Also visualize clusters using contours
plot.em <- function(X, phi, N){
xpts <- seq((rr <- range(X[,1]))[1], rr[2], length.out=50)
ypts <- seq((rr <- range(X[,2]))[1], rr[2], length.out=50)
for(i in 1:N) {
mixture.contour <-
with(phi, outer(xpts,ypts,function(x,y)
contour(xpts, ypts, mixture.contour, nlevels=5, col=i+1, add=TRUE, lwd=3)
## Terminate if @ (t-1) - @ (t) is below a threshold
## Here we actually run EM.
## X is our data set
## N is the number of points
## This EM algorithm implementation should be able to handle values of X with any dimension.
## However, it only can plot 2D data.
run.em <- function(X, N, plot = TRUE, sleep = 0.5, max.iter = 30, save=FALSE) {
covs <- replicate(N, list(cov.wt(X[sample(nrow(X), 30),])))
mu <- lapply(covs, "[[", "center")
sig <- lapply(covs, "[[", "cov")
alpha <- rep(1/N, N)
phi <<- list(mu = mu, sig = sig, alpha = alpha)
for(i in 1:max.iter) {
oldphi <- phi
h <<- E.step(X, phi, N)
phi <<- M.step(X, h, N)
if(plot) {
plot.em(X, phi, N)
if(save) {
dev.copy(jpeg, sprintf("output/em-%02d-clusters-%02d.jpg", N, i))
if((, phi, N) -, oldphi, N)) < 0.01)
return(list(phi = phi, aic = 2*3*N -, phi, N)))
## Example clustering
## <-, replicate(sample(5,1), list(rmvnorm(n=1000, rnorm(2, sd=30), diag(rgamma(2, 50))))))
## Run EM for 1 to 6 clusters
## Output which value of k has the best fit
(aics <- sapply(1:6, function(i) run.em(, i, sleep=0, max.iter=30)$aic))
## Same as above, but fit values of k multiple times
(aics <- sapply(1:10, function(i) min(replicate(5, run.em(, i, sleep=0)$aic))))
## Example used in the blog
## <-
rbind(rmvnorm(n=1000, mean=c(0,0), diag(2)*10),
rmvnorm(n=1000, mean=c(3,0), matrix(c(5,2,2,1),2,2)))
run.em(, 2, sleep=0, max.iter=100)
## Try a k-means clustering
## color it
km <- kmeans(, 2, iter.max = 30)
plot(, ylab="", xlab="", col = c("red", "blue")[km$cluster])
## Try EM mixture model clustering
## and color it
em.output <- run.em(, 2, sleep=0, max.iter=100)
ecolor <- apply(E.step(, em.output$phi, 2), 1, which.max)
plot(, ylab="", xlab="", col = c("red", "blue")[ecolor])
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pularam commented Mar 12, 2018

I think you have missed multiplying by alpha[i] in the E.step before dmvnorm(X, mu[[i]], sig[[i]]))))

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