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## CSC-846 Lab-05
## Michael MacFadden
## This is a helper utility I worked up to help manually obfuscate string
## content for powershell.
## Encoding Methods
function simple_encode([string] $value) {
$arr = $value.ToCharArray()
$arr = $arr | ForEach-Object { [char]([int]$_ - 2) }
return -join($arr)
# This method encodes a string and generates a unique six character encryption
# key that is needed to decode it.
function encode($strings_to_encode) {
# Get the bytes of the ASCII string.
$source_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($strings_to_encode)
# Reverse the array.
# Create an array that is twice as long as the string
# we are going to encode. This will allow us to populate
# the string with partial junk data.
$encoded_bytes = [byte[]]::new($source_bytes.Length * 2)
# Create a unique encryption key for this particular string
$random_key = [int[]]::new(6)
foreach($i in (0..($random_key.Length - 1))) {
$random_key[$i] = Get-Random (97..122)
# Now we loop over the reverse string bytes.
for($i = 0; $i -lt $source_bytes.Length; $i++) {
$char_byte_val = $source_bytes[$i]
# We get the round robin character
$rnd = $random_key[$i % $random_key.Length]
# calculate the index of where the data will go.
# we multiply by two since we are putting in
# two characters for each original character.
$idx = ($i) * 2
# We actually just put a random character in every other
# slot of the array. This goes in the first slot.
$encoded_bytes[$idx] = Get-Random (33..126)
# Now we put the original charachter in, but we increment
# it by the value of the random key (-97 so that we don't
# go to far out of the printable ASCII range.)
$encoded_bytes[$idx + 1] = $char_byte_val + $rnd - 97
# Now encode the bytes as a base 64 string.
$base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($encoded_bytes)
# Now we chunk the base64 into 4 character sub strings
# reverse each of those chunks and then join it back
# together. This makes is so you can't even just base
# 64 decode the string.
$split = $base64 -split '(.{4})' | ?{$_}
$reversed_split = $split | ForEach-Object { $a = $_.ToCharArray(); [array]::Reverse($a); return -join $a}
$joined = $reversed_split -join ""
# Convert the ints to chars and join them to make the
# encryption key.
$random_key_str = [char[]]$random_key
$key = $random_key_str -join ""
# return both the encoded string and the encyprtion key.
return @($joined, $key)
## Decoding Methods
## All of the decoding code must be copied into the obfuscated script.
$xyE7rqw = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$au8Emdr = [Convert]
$lkjsafsdf = 2
# Performs a very simple decoding of a string by reversing it
# and adding a small offset. This is used in the decoding
# method to hide calls to "GetBytes" and "FromBase64String"
# to make it less obvious what is going on.
function uywerwerm($yiuewrh) {
$kjhdsf = $yiuewrh.ToCharArray()
# Note the offset was move outside of the method and
# turned into a variable so it was less obvious what
# was going on.
return -join($kjhdsf | ForEach-Object { [char]([int]$_ + $lkjsafsdf) })
# this function simply divides the input by 2.
# mad all the variables very simliar and hard to read.
# # then added some junk code.
function djjsfu($1ll1lIlIl11l) {
# This branch will never get taken so this is a bogus
# control flow example.
if ($1ll1lIlIl11l -lt 0) {
$1ll1lIlIl11l = $1ll1lIlIl11l * 2
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l + 13
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l / 8
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l + 12
return $1ll1lIlIl11l / 6
} else {
$1ll1lIlIl11l = $1ll1lIlIl11l * 4
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l + 17
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l * 4
$1ll1lIlIll1l = $1ll1lIlIl11l / 12
return $1ll1lIlIl11l / 8
# This number is used in the method below. Just
# moved it out to make it harder to read below.
$ksjdhff = 56
# This number is used when decrypting the strings, but
# was outlined.
$skdjfhskf = 372
# This method decodes strings in the actual code.
# It uses some base64 encoding and getting of ASCII codes
# calls to those methods we obfuscated by hiding their names
# and using reflection, with also slighly obfuscated strings.
function xhhdfuy($ll11ll1l) {
$1ll1ll1ll1 = $ll11ll1l[0]
$1ll1l11l1l = $ll11ll1l[1]
$hsjkdfh = 4
# A lot of in-line-ing here to make this hard to undrstand
# It is basically splitting the input string into 4 character
# chunks. Reverseing each one of those chunks, then re-joining
# those chunks together to get a valid base 64 encoded string.
$ll1lll1l1l = ($1ll1ll1ll1 -split '(.{4})' | ?{$_} | ForEach-Object {$a = $_.ToCharArray(); [array]::Reverse($a); return -join $a}) -join ""
# A obfuscated call to [Convert]::FromBase64String
$jjeirnn = $au8Emdr.GetMethod((uywerwerm("elgprQ24cq_@kmpD")), [type[]]@([string]))
$jjiernr = $jjeirnn.Invoke($null, @(,$ll1lll1l1l))
$iksdfjl = $jjiernr.Length - 1
# Creates a array half the size of our data, using our
# overly complex divide by two method.
$q8ern3 = [byte[]]::new((djjsfu($jjiernr.Length)))
for($hjueh = 0; $hjueh -lt $iksdfjl; $hjueh = $hjueh + 2) {
$ll1ll1l1l = $1ll1l11l1l[(djjsfu($hjueh)) % $1ll1l11l1l.Length]
# Obfuscated method that just divides by 2
$jjienrn = djjsfu($hjueh)
# This is the obfuscated character.
$jskjh8hsd = $jjiernr[$hjueh + 1]
# here we are just subtracting 97 from the decoding character
# but doing it in a really obtuse way.
$hhhisdfkl = $jskjh8hsd - ($ll1ll1l1l - 45 - $ksjdhff + $hsjkdfh)
# putting the decoded character in the result array.
$q8ern3[$jjienrn] = $hhhisdfkl
# An obfuscated call to ASCII.GetString, reusing some of the
# variable names to make it harder to read.
$jjeirnn = $xyE7rqw.getType().GetMethod((uywerwerm("elgprQrcE")), [type[]]@([byte[]]))
$jjeirnn = $jjeirnn.Invoke($xyE7rqw, @(,$q8ern3))
return $jjeirnn
## This is the actual decode method
function hhkjysdf($ll11ll1l) {
$l1ll1ll11ll1 = $ll11ll1l[0]
$l1ll1l111ll1 = $ll11ll1l[1]
$lll11ll1lll1 = 10
$11lll11ll1ll = Get-Location
# Note that on the first iteration of the loop, the counter
# variable is set to 10, and then there is a divide by 0 that is
# tirggered. The actual code we execute is in the catch block.
# so this is an example of using exceptions for control flow
# obfuscation.
try {
for($11ll1lll1ll1 = $lll11ll1lll1; $11ll1lll1ll1 -gt 0; $11ll1lll1ll1--) {
if ($11ll1lll1ll1 -eq 10) {
$11lll11ll1ll = $l1ll1ll11ll1
} else {
$11lll11ll1ll = $l1ll1ll11ll1[1..4]
# This is where the divide by zero happens. Can you spot it?
$l1l1l1ll1ll1 = (12 / ($11lll11ll1ll - $lll11ll1lll1)) + $11lll11ll1ll
return xhhdfuy($baz, $l1ll1l111ll1)
catch {
$l1ll1ll1lll1 = Get-Location
$11ll11l1ll1l = $l1ll1ll11ll1 + $l1ll1ll1lll1.ToString()
$l1l1l1ll1ll1 = $11ll11l1ll1l.substring(0, $l1ll1ll11ll1.Length)
xhhdfuy($l1l1l1ll1ll1, $l1ll1l111ll1)
function kjhsdff($lkjsdfsdf) {
# This is a decoy URL which is junk code, but certainly will
# grab some one's attention. All the text encoding stuff
# here is also not used at all. Just junk code.
$kjsfsdfsdf = ""
$kjhsdfkjfs = $lkjsdfsdf[0] - $skdjfhskf
$dsfskjh = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($kjsfsdfsdf)
$dsfskjh = $dsfskjh + [byte[]]@(102, 92, 119, 89)
$ksdjhfkjshdf = $uhwekjrb[$kjhsdfkjfs]
$lkisdfsdf = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($dsfskjh)
$hksjdfhksdf = $lkjsdfsdf[1]
return hhkjysdf($ksdjhfkjshdf, $hksjdfhksdf)
## Data Generation
## This code was used to actually generate the strings that were used in
## the obfuscated code.
## Simple Strings to Encode
$strings_to_simple_encode = @("GetString", "FromBase64String")
Write-Output "`nSimple Encoded Strings`n"
Write-Output "-----------------------------------------`n"
foreach ($str in $strings_to_simple_encode) {
$encoded_str = simple_encode($str)
Write-Output "$str => `t$encoded_str"
Write-Output ""
# I added a bunch of bogus strings in here as well.
$strings_to_encode = @(
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error"
"Want a baloons notification?",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing"
"CSC846 - sample01",
"Want more baloons?",
"ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo c"
"illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla"
"on numquam eius modi tempora incidunt"
# This variable name is a bit clunky since it is needed to
# be obfuscated in the actual script.
$uhwekjrb = [string[]]::new($strings_to_encode.Length)
$keys = [string[]]::new($strings_to_encode.Length)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $strings_to_encode.Length; $i++) {
$str = $strings_to_encode[$i]
$result = encode($str)
$uhwekjrb[$i] = $result[0]
$keys[$i] = $result[1]
Write-Output "`nData Array for Obfuscated Code`n"
Write-Output "-----------------------------------------`n"
Write-Output "`n`$uhwekjrb = @("
$string_constants = ($uhwekjrb | ForEach-Object {"`"$_`""})
Write-Output (" " + ($string_constants -join ",`n "))
Write-Output ");`n"
Write-Output "`nDecoder Mapping for Obfuscated Code`n"
Write-Output "-----------------------------------------`n"
for($i = 0; $i -lt $strings_to_encode.Length; $i++) {
$str = $strings_to_encode[$i]
$key = $keys[$i]
$index = $i + 372
$index_hex = ‘0x{0:x}‘ -f $index
Write-Output "`"$str`""
Write-Output " Function Call:`tkjhsdff($index_hex, `"$key`");"
$decoded = kjhsdff([int]$index_hex, $key)
Write-Output " Decoded String:`t$decoded`n"
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