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Created July 20, 2019 10:48
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mmahut@highhopes ~/repo/nixpkgs (dockbook5) $ nix-build -A docbook5
error: undefined variable 'version' at /home/mmahut/repo/nixpkgs/pkgs/data/sgml+xml/schemas/docbook-5.0/default.nix:8:41
mmahut@highhopes ~/repo/nixpkgs (dockbook5) $ cat ./pkgs/data/sgml+xml/schemas/docbook-5.0/default.nix
{ lib, stdenv, fetchzip }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "docbook5";
version = "5.0.1";
src = fetchzip {
url = "${version}/docbook-${version}.zip";
sha256 = "0qz4qmvlsrpl3ypg72ksfrnqxww4cr567s8sv8lwqggmrcqkyirz";
installPhase =
mkdir -p $dst
cp -prv * $dst/
substituteInPlace $dst/catalog.xml --replace 'uri="' "uri=\"$dst/"
rm -rf $dst/docs $dst/ChangeLog
# Backwards compatibility. Will remove eventually.
mkdir -p $out/xml/rng $out/xml/dtd
ln -s $dst/rng $out/xml/rng/docbook
ln -s $dst/dtd $out/xml/dtd/docbook
meta = {
description = "Schemas for DocBook 5.0, a semantic markup language for technical documentation";
homepage =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.eelco ];
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
mmahut@highhopes ~/repo/nixpkgs (dockbook5) $
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