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Created November 27, 2011 16:20
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import Data.Enumerator hiding (map, length, foldl)
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Text as ET
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
data Entry = Entry { date :: String
, host :: String
, program :: String
, message :: String
} deriving Show
processFile :: IO ()
processFile = run_ syslogIteratee >>= print
-- iteratees et al.
syslogIteratee :: Iteratee Entry IO ([(Int, String)], Int)
syslogIteratee = entryEnumerator $$ entryIteratee
entryEnumerator :: Enumerator Entry IO b
entryEnumerator = syslogEnumerator $= entryParser
syslogEnumerator :: Enumerator Text IO b
syslogEnumerator = ET.enumFile "syslog"
entryIteratee :: Monad m => Iteratee Entry m ([(Int, String)], Int)
entryIteratee = EL.zipWith top10AndId summariser counter
entryParser :: Monad m => Enumeratee Text Entry m b
entryParser = parseEntry
summariser :: Monad m => Iteratee Entry m (M.Map String Int)
summariser = EL.fold updateSummary M.empty
where updateSummary summary entry = M.insertWith' (+) (program entry) 1 summary
counter :: Monad m => Iteratee a m Int
counter = EL.fold (\acc _ -> acc + 1) 0
-- auxiliary functions
parseEntry :: Text -> Entry
parseEntry text = Entry d h p m
where d1:d2:d3:h:p':ms = words $ show text
d = unwords [d1,d2,d3]
p = init p'
m = unwords ms
top10AndId :: Ord a => M.Map a Int -> b -> ([(Int, a)], b)
top10AndId m b = (top10 m, b)
top10 :: Ord a => M.Map a Int -> [(Int, a)]
top10 = take 10 . reverse . sort . map swap . M.toList
swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (x, y) = (y, x)
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