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Created August 21, 2012 19:25
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-- this runs pretty nicely with +RTS -N2
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, STM)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue (TQueue, newTQueueIO, tryReadTQueue, writeTQueue)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forever, forM_, when)
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (when)
-- Graphics.UI.WX.Async
type UpdateQueue = TQueue (IO ())
data AsyncConfig = AsyncConfig { pollIntervalMs :: Int
, batchSize :: Int
defaultConfig :: AsyncConfig
defaultConfig = AsyncConfig { pollIntervalMs = 10
, batchSize = 100
mkUpdateQueue :: Frame a -> IO UpdateQueue
mkUpdateQueue = mkUpdateQueueWithConfig defaultConfig
mkUpdateQueueWithConfig :: AsyncConfig -> Frame a -> IO UpdateQueue
mkUpdateQueueWithConfig cfg f = do
q <- newTQueueIO
timer f [ interval := pollIntervalMs cfg
, on command := processUiUpdates (batchSize cfg) q
return q
processUiUpdates :: Int -> UpdateQueue -> IO ()
processUiUpdates n q = atomically (tryTake n q) >>= sequence_
tryTake :: Int -> TQueue a -> STM [a]
tryTake n q = tryTake' n q []
tryTake' 0 q r = return r
tryTake' n q r = do
mu <- tryReadTQueue q
case mu of
Just u -> tryTake' (n-1) q (r++[u])
Nothing -> return r
postGUIAsync :: UpdateQueue -> IO a -> IO ()
postGUIAsync q u = atomically $ writeTQueue q $ do u; return ()
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [ text := "Test" ]
l <- staticText f [ text := "starting" ]
q <- mkUpdateQueue f
forkIO $ findPrimes q l
findPrimes :: UpdateQueue -> StaticText () -> IO ()
findPrimes q l = forM_ (filter isPrime [2000..]) $ \n ->
postGUIAsync q $ set l [ text := show n ]
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n = isPrime' n 2
isPrime' n d =
if (fromIntegral d) > sqrt (fromIntegral n) then True
else if n `mod` d == 0 then False
else isPrime' n (d+1)
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