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Created September 13, 2012 19:07
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module Schools where
import Data.List (elemIndex)
- for every chilld rank all schools
- for every school, rank every child
- specify capacity of every school (Pupil Allocation Number)
proposed alg:
- only consider the first choice
can I put them there? yes: allocate; no: put at bottom of the list
iterate while first choices are available; then move to second choices etc.
type Student = String
data Offer = Offer { offStudent :: Student
, offSchool :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data School = School { schPan :: Int
, schPriority :: [Student]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Pref = Pref { prefStudent :: Student
, prefChoices :: [Int]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
schools :: [School]
schools = [ School 2 ["A", "B", "D", "C"]
, School 2 ["B", "D", "A", "C"]
prefs :: [Pref]
prefs = [ Pref "A" [0, 1]
, Pref "B" [1, 0]
, Pref "C" [1, 0]
, Pref "D" [0, 1]
allocate :: [School] -> [Pref] -> [Offer]
allocate schools prefs = allocate' schools prefs 0 []
allocate' :: [School] -> [Pref] -> Int -> [Offer] -> [Offer]
allocate' schools prefs idleTurns offers
| prefs == [] = offers
| idleTurns > length prefs = allocate' schools (map dropFirstChoice prefs) 0 offers
| otherwise = allocate'' schools prefs idleTurns offers
allocate'' :: [School] -> [Pref] -> Int -> [Offer] -> [Offer]
allocate'' schools (p:ps) idleTurns offers =
if placeAvailable (schools !! schoolIdx) student then
allocate' (increaseOthers schools schoolIdx) ps 0 $ (Offer student schoolIdx):offers
allocate' schools (ps++[p]) (idleTurns + 1) offers
schoolIdx = firstChoice p
student = prefStudent p
firstChoice :: Pref -> Int
firstChoice (Pref _ (c:_)) = c
placeAvailable :: School -> Student -> Bool
placeAvailable school student = case elemIndex student (schPriority school) of
Just i -> i <= (schPan school)
Nothing -> False
dropFirstChoice :: Pref -> Pref
dropFirstChoice (Pref s (_:cs)) = Pref s cs
increaseOthers :: [School] -> Int -> [School]
increaseOthers schools i = map (increaseIfNot i) $ zip [0..] schools
increaseIfNot :: Int -> (Int, School) -> School
increaseIfNot i (j, s@(School pan pris))
| i == j = s
| otherwise = School (pan + 1) pris
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